Oklahoma Bowhunting Camp RSVP


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Re: Oklahoma Bowhunting Camp RSVP

I will be there with my buddy Scott. May be sometime around 5 or so on Friday evening. I have an exam, then I may skip a couple classes. Would really like to have time to get down there and scout, but not sure about that.

Kev......My buddy hunts Honobia in Clayton. Would it be easier for us to go to Clayton (since he knows where he is going) and then going to the camp? How far are we gonna be from Clayton? Later, ya'll laugh.gif

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Re: Oklahoma Bowhunting Camp RSVP


For everyone that is going, remember there is a $16 resident permit for hunting on Three Rivers.($25 non-resident)

I was telling Ryan that I had wrangled a map of where we're going to be and there are literally miles of good hunting ground. A couple of employees here at the bank know the land better than I do and they've been nice enough to give me some directions to some awesome spots. Not sure whether I'm gonna share or not... grin.gif

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Re: Oklahoma Bowhunting Camp RSVP

Yeah, we've got Diebold, Ryan. The only two I know are Mike and Randy. I believe they come out of Texarkana. They have maintenance on our shuttles, ATM's, and Vaults.

Well, guys, found out this evening that my kinfolk are camping up north of where we are planning on being. Also, talked to a friend of mine down here and he's gonna be camped up there also. Promised I'd visit him Saturday afternoon.

Sure wish more would come. I'm currently trying to talk one of my bowhunting buddies to come up with me. He owns his own gravel business, so if it rains much more this week, he'll probably be free.

Getting pumped boys.

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Re: Oklahoma Bowhunting Camp RSVP

Sorry, but I gotto cancel boys. I can't get anyone to cover at work for me Saturday night. I want to come really bad, and maybe somehow I'll slip down there late Saturday night, but things don't look good at all. $$$ is a problem as well, my pay period is not til next weekend, so it'd be adip in savings for me to travel down. HAve fun!

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Re: Oklahoma Bowhunting Camp RSVP

Come on YB15...you can pull something off. Who's gonna get us talking without you there.

I can see us sitting around the campfire right now....


Dale--"Sure was hot today"



Me--"Boy, sure is a clear night."



Me---"Yep, yep, yep....(yawn)"as I break out the Coors Light.

Would you do that to us Kyle????

You know them deer can smell beer breath a mile away......ultimately, you'll be the reason we don't kill a deer. Can you live with that???

Of course you can't.... grin.gif

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Guest Roadkill10

Re: Oklahoma Bowhunting Camp RSVP

looks like griz and me are will need a boat to get our stands out to bring. the water is about 6 in. deep now and its still raining! maybe we can take a intertube and float them out !!

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Re: Oklahoma Bowhunting Camp RSVP

Sorry to hear that Kyle....guess we'll catch you next year.

Well boys, looks like this camp thing is bringing everybody luck. Arrowed a spike this morning at around 9. He was a young deer and I was thinking backstraps the whole time.

I've got a lot of pictures left on the roll so I'll be bringing it up to camp. Probably won't post pics till next week. He's not much to look at anyway... blush.gif

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