I need help!!!

Guest MonsterBuckMatt

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Guest MonsterBuckMatt

I have a place that i go and bow hunt often. I have killed a few deer out of it but no buck. it is right behind the owners house and he shines out there at night a sees bucks all the time. How can i get them to come out earlier. I need help


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Re: I need help!!!

Other than baiting or a desirable food plot, decoying might work, grunting and rattling might also help or just plain old luck. One thing you might want to do is scout the area and see where the bucks are entering the field and set up about 100 to 200 yds back into the woods to try busting them up in a staging area. You may want to leave this place alone if they have a lot of does and no bucks until the rut. Trust me, they will be after them does and if the does feel safe there, guess where they will be when the bucks start chasing them...where they feel safe. If you have a chance to harvest a doe or two early, as in the first week or two, then get only what you need and leave the rest for the rut to draw the bucks in. Use a buck decoy in the field of estrous does and you might just get a challenge from a local buck. If you can harvest does somewhere else, then set up your stands prior to the rut and hunt somewhere else, so you leave as little scent as possible and can just get into your stands once the rut swings into action. It's like the old saying goes; If March winds bring April showers and April showers bring May flowers. What do May flowers bring? Pilgrims. Does bring Bucks. Good luck and I hope I helped you some.

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Guest MonsterBuckMatt

Re: I need help!!!

thanks for all the answers, but the bucks come out about 1 after dark every even the land owned said. I am sitting up i a fence row. He does not own the land behind me or i would set up deep in the woods.. I figure i will go ask the guy that owns the land behind him if i could go into the woods and put up a stands

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Guest lostiniowa

Re: I need help!!!

The best thing I know is if you can hunt several days in a row or at least go out several day. Find a scrape (main) and put buck urine (the same urine you know the one that only comes from one buck) for 2 or 3 days put it out when you hunt. If you hunt in the mornings out it out just after daybreak if you hunt at night put it out a couple of hours before sunset. Then get out do not hunt the first 2-3 times then the 3 or 4th time hunt he will come looking for who is invading his territory. To relate this to human terms: Lets say you come home from work At 9:00 your wife is home and you smell cologne you may not think anything. then the next night you smell it again when you get home at 9:00 the 3rd night your going to come home at 6:00 to check it out! Good Luck

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