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I think the title of your post covers my sentiments on these good neighbours. Not much to add to what you've already said.

Some folks just don't get it, because they're too lazy and impatient to get it. They don't realize the work that goes into scouting and just patiently passing up deer until the right one comes along. Hunting means nothing more than target practice to them.

They'll never get it, and they'll always envy you because you do get it. wink.gif

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What is this crazt A$$&^le teaching hi 15 year old son? What sort of things is this worthless, jealous, slob teaching his son the next generation of sportsmen. Now neither of them can hunt for 2 years.

[/ QUOTE ]

You did the right thing.

Maybe the LAW will teach the kid what his parent is not.

This is only one of the reasons for my signature line.


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I agree with calling the Game Warden and hope that the outcome will be a positive learning experience for these folks. I agree in teaching kids and others to use selective harvest and to respect wildlife. However, there are some areas that will just not produce deer that large and I don't think it is completely out of line to harvest a young buck from time to time. The trophy is in the eye of the beholder and in my opinion any deer, buck or doe, is a trophy. You are very fortunate to have the property and the ability to manage your herd and the fruits of your labor have paid off. Truth is that less than 10% of all hunters harvest a whitetail over 140 B&C, and I think it is awesome that your son has defied the odds. I am with you on teaching other hunters, especially kids, the right way to manage by harvesting more doe and letting the little guys walk . I just do not think we can expect everyone to hold out for big deer that may never appear. I have hunted for 26 years and my largest buck is 130 B&C.

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Does not equate to what he has done. He is killing both his and your chances of getting a big deer by what he has chosen to do. You know, I get just as excited to see my buddy or another hunter enjoy harvesting a good deer . Yes I would rather it be me getting a good one, but hunting is about alot more than what you harvest and I only wish more folks had the mindset that you have. I think you summed him up "Lazy" , but he is no hunter. Hope you don't have anymore issues with this guy.

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we deal with that kind of crap all too often here, in fact a group of people who accused me and my family of poaching were busted 2 years ago for poaching at night themselves. They were actually caught by an offical CBM scorer so it was all the more funny, apparentely they shot EVERYTHING, buck, doe, fawn they didn't care. great job calling em in, I would have done the same thing.

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You did the right thing. NOw as another poster posted, WATCH YOUR BACK...

A person stupid enough to poach is stupid enough to do anything. Keep the OObuck by the door grin.gif

It would also be a good idea to bring a vid cam with you when your on stand, so if pots pand pans start banging or all of a sudden they start cutting the grass to spook the deer. Thats harrassment.

Was that story in the local paper? Thats the way to shame poachers...In my eyes, they are right up there with EVERY OTHER CRIMINAL the jails are full of.

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Amen, ive got a guy that lives around me and he is teaching his 3 sons this same habit as which the guy in your story is teaching his son. All it takes is one mistake to give hunters a bad name.

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I would do the same thing in your situation.

But the only B&C deer I've seen have been on tv. I would gladly take any legal buck if I didn't see anything else. As far as his doe comment, that's just stupid. I would much rather take a doe as a small 5 or 6pt. Doe meat taste better to me anyway, and I really am not interested in shooting a buck that I wouldn't want to put on my wall.

I am 5 hours away from any private land that I can hunt and only hunt that on thanksgiving and christmas. Most of my hunting is on public land where it's slim picken's and you take what you can get.

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Definitely did the right thing.

Now not trying to change the subject, but last year I had someone try to tell me I couldn't hunt on land I had permission to hunt on. The guy (he's like an 18-20) doesn't even hunt and was riding 4-wheelers with a couple other people on this property I was hunting and it wasn't even his and he didn't have permission to be on it. His dad, who doesn't allow hunting, owns property next to it and my stand was about 75 yds from the property line. He tried telling me it was their land and such and I kept saying it wasn't. Then I went and showed him where the property line was; it was pretty easy as there is and old woven wire/barbed wire fence there. After that he shutup and got the heck outta there. Luckily it didn't ruin my hunt as I was walking out anyway. And this wasn't the first time there have been some kind of problems with this guy.

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that is great twodogs. i hope they learned from that, but probably not. last year in my town two guys got cought poaching and had there guns and vehicle taken away and the very next weekend they were cought doing it again by thy same game warden.

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