First Kill


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Re: First Kill


poor little yearlings are gunna have a rough first year, but atleast you got some meat.

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I believe he said there were 2 big does and one yearling. Besides, how many yearlings have you seen that can't run, eat or stick with another doe herd through the year? Most does have at least 2 yearlings with them whether you see them or not and they seem to do just fine.

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Re: First Kill

Congrats on your first!! i shot a doe on sat evening and hit her in the shoulder baled with a hammerhead and and got NOO penetration. still hav not found any sign of her . hope she'll be ok.

then last night my brother shoots one with a crossbow and can't find the arrow or any blood. went back today and found nothing. no bloood no deer no dead smell no nothing. been seeing alot of deer just can't recover one. makes me SICK to my stomach just thinking about it! i'm not giving up though. i'm gonna make a shot right in the boiler room next time. just got to stay calm!!

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