Archery from the ground??


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Here is my dilemma...I usually always hunt archery from a treestand, but take them down and hunt ml and regular season from a stool or blind because I like to be mobile and try new areas throughout the season. I have not been able to get any stands out this summer...(not due to laziness believe me...due to work and family commitments/ parents illnesses). I was wondering, what do you guys think about chances for success from the ground?? I have never shot a deer with a bow from the ground but have not really tried. I do however usually... usually take a deer every year from a treestand with my bow. Should since my season starts here in a week and a half, stay out of the woods, not mess with the stands and lane clearing stuff and leave the area scent free until opening day...or risk it?? I only use the stands for two weeks and then they come down anyway. Whatcha think?? Any opinions are appreciated.

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Re: Archery from the ground??

Swamphunter, I shoot several deer every year with my bow from the ground.I wont kid you however, your odds are lower.Visibilities very limited from the ground, drawing your bow without being seen is more complicated, and scent becomes a lot more serious issue.

It also opens up a lot more options for you, still hunting, my favorite is spot and stalk, or you can just blend into the background and hope a deer happens to walk past.Some nights I get the chance to use all three in one combination or another.

Ive killed deer anywhere from 30 yrds to as close as 5 yrds from the ground and theres nothing like it.If you wanna definately kill a deer I would go ahead and hang some stands real soon.If youre looking for a new, more challenging way to hunt, that wont limit you to hunting just a few spots Id definately leave the stands in the garage and try it at ground level.When it all comes together I guarantee youll be hooked grin.gifwink.gif

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Re: Archery from the ground??

There's nothing wrong huntin from the ground. Set up in some thick stuff with full camo on includeing a headnet. Or, in a blind. I was rattleing on the ground one year during the rut and had a spike walk straight to me and he got so close i started to get scared he was gonna charge me so i stood up and spooked him off.

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Re: Archery from the ground??

Why not try a little of both. I'm sure you have a treestand spot or 2 that produces for you year in and year out. You should be able to slip in to some of those places without disturbing the area much but I'd keep any limb trimming to a minimum.

As far as ground blind hunting goes, there's nothing like hunting at their level. I've been doing it for many years now. Last year 2 out of the 3 does I killed were from a ground blind. I've taken some nice bucks from a ground blind too.

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Re: Archery from the ground??

I think I have made up my mind to pass on the stands. Time was just an issue. I should hang them during the summer (maybe July), but I hate to let them rust and hang out waiting for some scumbag to find them. Thats one of the reasons I take them down and hunt from a stool during the gun seasons. Next year, I am out there in July. I feel like I am really running behind this year. I directly blame the Realtree forums!!! mad.gif JK.. grin.gif

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Re: Archery from the ground??

just setup in a spot where you know the deer's travel pattern and keep the wind in your face. build a little ground blind to keep you covered up. I'm doing just this very thing this afternoon in an area where there's no trees big enough for a stand. It's on a hillside where there are good trails coming out of a thick bog. One advantage of hunting on the ground is you can sneak in real quiet. None of the noise usually associated with setting up and using a climbing stand. good luck.

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Re: Archery from the ground??

I hunt from the ground 100% of the time now. It's not that bad if you play the wind and the camo right.

You actually have more area on a deer to shoot at than the angle from an elevated position. I agree that maybe hunting some of the same area you did with your tree stand will help. You should be familiar with the trails they use and when they use them.

I also wouldn't be doing any major cutting this close, just chose a natural spot that will give you some shooting lanes. Good luck with your season.


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Re: Archery from the ground??

I am more successful from the ground the last 3 years, especially during a mist or slow drizzle. Kinda spot-n-stock but I mainly just keep to the same areas I have hunted from trees.

Hey a good spot is a good spot form the ground as well as a tree.

However, for me anyways, it seems like I can hide better on the ground.

I like to take a small piece of camo burlap in my pack to make a quick wall to hid behind in conjuncture to a couple trees, brush, etc.

This works well for me if I want to hang out in one spot for a while.

Its virtually weightless and sets up in 1/2 a sec. Bring a few tacks too, the ones with the nobs because sometimes the branches just aint in the right spots.


Go for it dude, it may be you best year EVER from and ground!

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Guest buddy ahart

Re: Archery from the ground??

One of my hunting buddies only hunts from the ground due to the fact hes a little to big for a stand. he always gets shot at deer but also gets busted alot .

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Guest pa_bowhunter38

Re: Archery from the ground??

I've always gottin' my deer going or coming from my stand, only taken three of mine from the stand, it's a little harder because you are at nose level with the Deer

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