To all the Michigan hunters out there


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I couldnt tell ya for sure. I think they are a little closer to rut in Southern Michigan then in Northern. We went out with a spot light and there were bucks chasing does all over the place. Not to mention the 4 or 5 bucks we seen missing half their racks already. Up was starting a little bit but it wasnt very hot and heavy yet. I would used your vacation days for next Monday and Tuesday. I think the week before gun season is always the best.

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Guest bigbuckmiddaugh

Re: To all the Michigan hunters out there

I've heard mix results? I know people who shot bucks in full rut, but they were small.

Mostly, everyone i talk to, scrapes either, Ruts Off this year, lmao

I know deer population is down around our area, that could be reason of no rut too. It might just be a BANG rut, wham bam thank you ma'am and its over. Your guess is good as mine???

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Re: To all the Michigan hunters out there

Speaking of scrapes. I kid you not, i have 8-10 within 75 yards of my treestand in a small wood lot surrounded by corn and soy beans. But like i said, i havnt seen all that much deer activity. I seen one of the bucks making these scrapes Thursday but couldnt get a shot. I think right now is the best time to hunt scrapes if you can find one. They arent in the full rut and are still in their zones and marking their territory. Once the run is in swing, i dont think it matters where you sit, just as long as your out there, the deer could run by anywhere.

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