Guest lostiniowa

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Why would you pay that much for a can that puts tons of scent out at one time, makes a hissing sound which would scare the deer not bring them in and who's to say that a buck would come to it anyway. Their's scams in every industry and I think this is one of them. If you want to bring in a buck of any size, use what the deer use. Estrous, decoys, rattling and grunting and food. All of these things are what the deer want... at least the bucks anyway.

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BUCK BOMBS? ...geesh ...that sounds like something Treestandbowhunter would use grin.gif (He's a marine ya know laugh.gif)

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LOL funny stuff right there. grin.gif

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I think Mike would call that "Bushwackin Bucks" grin.gif

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Hey if we can't take them by psyops, we can use the "Buck Bombs" for "Operation Bushwacker" grin.gif...oh boy, I'll have to tackle this one after my evening nap. BTW Steve, your a hijacker grin.gif

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