WB, Sight, Stabilizer, rest


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1. Whisker Biscuit Quickshot carbon arrow model with Brown soft brissle with the hard brissel bottom in it. Retail $37.99 Asking $27.00 shipped.


2. Micro Pro Hunter Single pin slide sight. Retails $49.99 asking $30.00 shipped. Here is a link to what it looks like. Yardage tape is missing because I set up my own because yardages were way off. I used a piece of paper and taped it on. Then I marked and covered it with clear tape.

Pro hunter Micro sight

3. Stabilizer with wrist sling--This is a stabilizer that I have a wrist sling attached. It is removeable but thought someone might be able to use both peices. $15 shippedPicture_0021.jpg

P.S. I also have a bunch of blazers that I am not using will sell the group as a whole or just as many as you want if you want to try them. P.M. me and we can work something out.

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