Blue Tongue?


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Guest TheNumber1Young1

Re: Blue Tongue?

Blue tongue is somewhat common in certain parts of America, what happens is it is a disease that makes the tongue swell, and when deer try to drink they cant, because its swelled so much they cant get any water, and that is why you find them dead near creek or river beds, they normally die 24 hours after they get the disease.

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Re: Blue Tongue?

It is very common up here in western ND and eastern's natures way of controlling the population......EHD (blue tongue) hits these parts every 3 or 4 years........usually when the populations are getting out of hand...........

The Realtree crews documented this on a front page article a couple years ago, on their favorite hunting grounds....the Milk River....

It's normally transferred via biting flies or gnats, and is a short lived disease........nothing to get to worried about......just mother nature at work.....

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Re: Blue Tongue?

Saw a pretty interesting hunting show last year or the year before, cannot remember which show it was, but they had some biologist talking about blue tongue. They had footage of some really nice bucks as they were expiring from this disease, it was pretty sad. It is a pretty devastating disease. They say that deer will usually be found near water, river beds and creeks. Seems there was a concern in Tennessee a few years back, I remember reading abotu it at the twra site. Have looked around the river here, but never found any dead deer.

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Guest adowns99

Re: Blue Tongue?

i hunt in mason county illinois and i have heard some horror stories allready from the havana and oakford area. 180 inch buck laying almost dead by the side of the road. my buddy actually pet the deer before conservation got there and shot him. this sucks!

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Guest imported_ne_archer

Re: Blue Tongue?

Found a nice 5x5 dead last night in the field that my brother, dad, and me think died from blue tongue. It sucks because it was one of the deer I had my sites on shooting this year as he hung out alot in my hunting area only a mile away.

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