Busted! and 47 pics! good opener!


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Well, opening morning, back in for lunch, but wanted to post a pic that the trailcam had! 47 pics in 4 days... only about 5 were blanks (not bad). This is a pic from the Moultrie Cam (from Walmart), Some of you folks were wanting to see how the pics were... so here you go. I didn't have a SD card in so I had to take a pic off of the TV with my digital (sorry about that).



Anyways, opening morning! Got out a little late, was in the stand about 5 minutes and a big fat doe came right in behind me, on my trail... she must have either smelled my trail or picked up some other scent... she didn't know where I was, but she knew I was around! She blew about a half dozen times then worked her way up through the timber! She never really spooked, just knew something was up. A little while later, 2 more doe worked their way through... all in all, a good AM.

Now it's a quick lunch then back out! From what the trail cam says, I can expect to see some deer on the top stand around 1800... Hope I see a few, might have to smoke me a big fat doe tonight! grin.gif I'll let you know later!

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