QDM ideas

Guest MarylandQDMA

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Guest MarylandQDMA

figured I would post this here and once the QDMA fourms are back up and running I'll C&P this to that fourm for more answers.

I was talking to one of the men that hunts the ajecent properity and he told me that last year them had at least 12 bucks all over 120 on their land (aprox. 30 acres) that is to the south of are land. well last year I only saw two bucks that scored in the low 100's. all though you may not be able to answer this, why are the large deer not using are land? we have a food plot, we have thick cover, we have native food.

one thing I can think of is the wind comes out of the north west in the fall and being we are north of them they stay on the south end of the woods.

what do you think?


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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: QDM ideas

he has it all, thick cover, overgrown fields, oaks, a swamp, a stream, small food plots around stand sites of rye grass and clover, steep hills, flat terain, rolling hills, timbered areas and one side of road frontage are just what I can think of of the top of my head.

he hunts it once and if he shoots something he is done for 2 weeks before he hunts again. same goes for his buddy.

I have thick cover, a 1/2 acre food plot, stream (but open to the road), two sides are road frontage, open woods, 4 acres of grass yard, 6 white oaks thru out the 17 acres, mixed with some reds, have lots of beach and hickory on the properity.

I'm thinking I'm going to lay low on the properity this year, and not hunt it but 2 maybe 3 days per month so I don't put any pressure on "The Hill".


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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: QDM ideas

I'm sure I have the cover, we had about 8 of the 10 wooded acres timbered 7 maybe 8 years ago. and the rasbaries and honeysuckel has grown up thick mixed in with spice bush, and other bushes and small trees.

next year I'm thinking of planting pines/cidars on the north side of the property, and planting hazzel nut trees and pawpaws on the east side.


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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: QDM ideas


Those buck's natural home range should have them crossing your place fairly frequently.

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that is my thought! you would think that a bucks home range in larger then 30 acres.


EDIT: I'm working on getting a photo of the land and will post it and see if that reveals anything.

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Re: QDM ideas

My first thought is "Yeah sure you have over 12 bucks over 120"." How reliable is the source?

Is your property being overhunted? It goes back to the previous post about how secure the deer feel on your property. Not hunting it as much this year like you said could be a good thing. The deer may have patterned you.

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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: QDM ideas

I'm going on word of mouth here I don't know the guy, but it sounds as if he knows what he is talking about. He did tell me he shot a 12pt. 3 years ago on the lot, the owner of the land I hunt saw the 12pt the same year in his yard in late august.

i'm sure my pressure and use of "The Hill" has pushed the bucks out some, but to a point of where they don't even use it? i just don't get it.


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Re: QDM ideas


he told me that last year them had at least 12 bucks all over 120 on their land (aprox. 30 acres) t

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I personally would not believe him. That works out to one mature to relatively mature buck per 2 1/2 acres and quite frankly I'm doubting him. I won't confess to know how old those 120+ bucks are but I'm guessing they aren't yearlings.

Call me crazy but I'm not believing him. As for you, I wouldn't worry, sounds like you have a good thing going, you'll find a good one there. wink.gif

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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: QDM ideas


how must thought do you put into scent

i know human scent holds to ana area for awhile

plus this word of mouth thing is kinda of fishy

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all I do is where sentlock and rubberboots, i'm on the property allmost every day (not in the woods though) so i'm sure my sent is around reguardless. i'm like an adopted son to the owner so i'm allways over there helping out or shooting my bow.


I personally would not believe him. That works out to one mature to relatively mature buck per 2 1/2 acres and quite frankly I'm doubting him. I won't confess to know how old those 120+ bucks are but I'm guessing they aren't yearlings.

Call me crazy but I'm not believing him. As for you, I wouldn't worry, sounds like you have a good thing going, you'll find a good one there.

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I have a 2.5 yo 8pt. on my wall that has a 19"inside spread and mesures in at 125 p&y. while 120" at 1.5 is highly unlikely, bucks in the 50" to 60" range can be common. lawn care at it best grin.gif


I can't see a dozen 120 class bucks staying in a 30 acre bush all during the rut either-the big boys up here cover miles during the rut-even with lots of does.

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ya I can't either. but they don't seem to like looking for does on the "The Hill". maybe the food plot this rut will be the ticket.

also we realy don't have a rut, just a breading seasion from mid october to febuary. the bucks around here don't have to look far for does.


It goes back to the other guy having the complete package food water and cover for bedding and such why woudl you ever a leave a place where you were safe.

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I don't think that could be any truer.

why risk going out in other areas to look for food, water and does grin.gif when you can do that from the confort of home. grin.gif

seems my hook up for a photo was not in today. maybe tomarrow.


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Guest TheDanishDanger

Re: QDM ideas

here's my suggestion, let about an acre grow up of nothing but tall grass. the deer will use it for bedding, like a sanctuary. it's worked for us. catch them early and late.

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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: QDM ideas

took a bit but I got the photo of the neighboring property (and more!) but here is the 30 acres to are south (south east).


the red is the property where the bucks seem to like to hang out. all the areas that look like fields (with in the red border are areas that got timbered with in the past 4 or 5 years and are now supper thick i'm talking THICK!

the green is the area that I have to hunt in.

and the dark green blob at the top is my food plot.


OH north is at the top of the photo and the wind comes out of the south this time of year and shifts to a north west in october.

EDIT: I spotted something allmost instently, a natural funnel between to thick bedding areas (this funnel is also a stream bottom.

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