Bizarre Horn Boiling Incident


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Re: Bizarre Horn Boiling Incident

If I ever catch the little bugger that does that to me I will get even !! MAn I hate when he does that!! WHat gets me is how fast he is, It can only take me 5 minutes to get over and allready he has shrunk them on me, I personally believe its a alian that beams down, freezes the hunter shrinks the antlers then un freezes us just to see our expressions!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Bizarre Horn Boiling Incident

Don't feel too bad. My buddy, who's fairly new to hunting, had a doe grow nubs right before his very eyes after pulling the trigger on her/him ...LOL.

I think it was black magic or something. tongue.gif

He now has her/him in the freezer, but had to use his "him" tag for her. ..LOL

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Re: Bizarre Horn Boiling Incident


true story ------- last friday ( opening day ), a guy who has a camp close to us told everyone that he shot at a 6 pointer on friday evening just before dark.

he said that he was sure he hit it but it ran.

two of his buddies went the next morning and found it only 50 yards from his apple pile. He didn't think that they would find it. blush.gifblush.gif

it was a doe, talk about antler shrinkage grin.gifgrin.gif

why is it, that the one "that gets away " is always a big one grin.gif

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