Backyard Visitor


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Lat week, my son and I had just gotten home from running errands, pulled in the drieway, was about to unbuckle andrew, when I see something moving in the backyard..... at first I thought it was a dog, because I could see a collar.


There was a medium black bear walking across my yard, 60 yards away! I grabbed the digital camera and got 3 decent pis of him. He wandered around the playground, then beat feet through an openeing in the back, headed south!

I have never seen so much as a deer or any other critter in my yard in the year we have lived here!

I took my practice stand down 3 days ago, but he walked right under the tree it was in! Chip shot!

It was soooooo cooooool!!!



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Re: Backyard Visitor

True - he was close to the playground, and you're right about the dangers with a small child.

I did call the Tropopers who said they would forward the info to EnCon, but I have not heard from them.

The bear did have a radio collar on - and took off once he saw me - not saying he couldn't or wouldn't attack - but this time he was definitly more skittish of human.

It's been so dry here in NY, the bears are coming around homes looking for food, garbage, etc. Like I said - this is the FIRST animal I have ever seen in my yard!

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Re: Backyard Visitor

We get that a lot around here. Especially this time of the year. Anyone who has apple tree's or other fruit trees in there yard, has an open buffet for the bears this time of year.

"When the fruit starts falling, the bears start mauling " frown.gif

The salmon are also starting to run ,so that brings then in also.

That bear there is a young one. They can be both stupid, inquisitive, bold and dangerous.

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Backyard Visitor

kind of un safe hanging around by your kids playgroung. i would let a DNR know about it. is a nice pic. we dont have bear down in Indiana so i dont know if it is a good thing or bad thing.

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Re: Backyard Visitor

I believe ALL bear human contact should be reported to DEC. Since you said that bear has a radio collar on it, it most likely was a nuicense bear that was trapped and relocated already. It is VERY dry here in NY. Bears will be looking for food sources, and I would be VERY careful, like others have said about the comfortability that bear has around a childs play space mad.gif.

Keep the OO buck and the 12ga by the door grin.gif.

Show momma how to lock and load grin.gif

99% of the time, if a bear smells humans...they are outta there. You or your child don't want to be that 1% that winds up being bear food.

BTW...I have a pic of a camper that was found being eaten by a grizzly in Alaska. My sons hunter ed instructor gave me a copy of it.

A deer hunter stumbled upon the scene and dumped a rifle full of 7mm mag into the bear and killed it. The bear had 5 bullets stuck in it from previous hunters and 2 broadheads broken inside of it, also from previous hunters. Tough bear huh?

One pic I don't have is one of the hunter holding up a paw from the bear. It is the size of a catchers mitt!!! Had to be about 12"accross!!! HUGE!!!

I'd post the pic, but I think the mods would have none of it and delete it. Its kind of graphic, but good for the eye to see and teach to non hunters or beginning hunters that bears are NOT cute little play things.

If anyone wants a copy of the bear pic ,PM me with your e mail and I'll send it.

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Re: Backyard Visitor


I agree with too_pointer....look where he was standing. No doubt he smelled human scent there....seeing as how your child plays there.

I would call the warden and have him trapped and relocated.

I couldn't live with myself if he came out of the woods and grabbed my kids.

Cool, otherwise.

[/ QUOTE ]

Was kinda thinking the same thing.

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