How many of you....


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Re: How many of you....

As long as I'm seeing a couple of deer an hour,I can stay out.I just keep telling myself that any second the buck of a lifetime is gonna step out.

I don't stay out every time I hunt but during the 1st 2 weeks in November I hunt hard and stay on stand and the opening day of rifle season I'll sit on stand all day.

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Guest TheDanishDanger

Re: How many of you....

did an all dayer last year for the first time on opening day, it wasn't that bad, couple snacks and warm hot soup keeps ya right up. but boy do you wanna goto sleep when you get home. haha.

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Re: How many of you....

I only sit all day the 1st 2 days of the opener of gun season. My land is adjacent to a hunting club, and those guys just don't sit still. Most of them go home by the 2nd day. So I sit to shoot whatever they kick up on my side of the mountain.

The suburban deer I hunt here, I'm usually done by 9am, I don't hunt suburbia in the pm, too many people home by then and the drag is tough one.

I ususally bring the Deer Hunter almanac with me to stand when I do sit all day. I read up on other states deer harvests.

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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: How many of you....

cell phone games! I sit out all day during the rut. if it is real slow around 12noon/1pm I'll climb down and back up the tree to get the blood flowing again. and lots of snacks/water.


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Guest TheNumber1Young1

Re: How many of you....

i normally sit in the stand all day, when it is the first week of bow season, and during the rut mainly. to make time go by, i just think about a lot of things,not really fun, but it pays off when you get that big buck at 1130 or 1 oclock when your normally at home eating lunch.

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Re: How many of you....


man there is a lot more of u guys that do in than i thought....yall are troopers..i'm goin to give it a try this yr. i'm usually out the woods by 11 30 take a nap and back out about 3 00

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Kind of ironic to me that a guy like you that spends so much time preparing to doesn't, and I do. I spend almost every day that I hunt in the stand all day long from about 30 minutes before first light untill the last legal light. I take plenty of drinks, snacks and either play phone games or read.

I do it because of the small amout of time I have for hunting. I figure if I only have 1 day a week to hunt, then I'm going to use every second I can get.

I'm guessing that because of your ability to go out more often, then you don't have to take the whole day to do it. Then again, with the time you've spent patterning the deer, you probibly don't need to spend the whole day.

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Re: How many of you....

I learned my lesson 2 years ago about getting down too soon. I hadn't seen anything and it was almost 11 am. I lowered my rifle with the rope. Then I started lowering myself down the tree with my climber. I got about halfway down ( about 8 feet from the ground) and I heard a sound behind me.

I turned around and there he was. I almost panicked. He was a nice 8 point. He had no idea I was there. He was making a loop around me before going to the plot. I watched until he got beside me about 25 yards to my right and I reached down SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWLLLLLY and gently pulled the rifle back up.

He got out in front of me and I tried to find him in my scope. Only the tip of his antlers could be seen thru the bushes.

I was so nervous I was shaking horribly. Here I am....standing up in my climber, my mask and hat are OFF and I just knew he was fixing to see me. He eventually stepped out.

Well, I shot and missed. I almost threw up. tongue.gifmad.gif

So anyway........whenever I can....I sit ALL DAY LONG. I like to take my hand-held Tetris and Yahtzee games to help pass the time. grin.gif

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Guest generallee

Re: How many of you....

I seldom sit in the stand all day excpet for during the rut. BUt i do hunt all day during rifle season when i go hunt with family up in wisconsin...but there aint a lot of sitting invloved when i hunt up there

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