An honest question for Republicans.

Guest lostiniowa

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Guest lostiniowa

Please tell me why you are republican. Do not bash democrats. Tell me why you believe what you beleive. Recently I have ran across 3 and only 3 types of Republicans: 1. I am a republican because I will make more money. (my wife is in medical school and everyone is republican because they will make more money. Ever heard of greed?) 2. Abortion. While I am opposed to abortion as a form of birth control I am not apposed to all abortion. Could you imagine if your wife or child was raped would you want them to carry that with them for 9 months? Also, why should I as a man tell a women what she can or cannot do (yes I am a very religious man so don't go there). Also, abortion will always be so rather you are for it, against it, or somewhere in the middle we might as well accept it. And 3. Gun control. A lot of my hunting buddies are republican for this reason " the democrats want gun control. They want to take my guns away. Nothing could be further from the truth. They just don't think we need machine guns to hunt with? Again I am not bashing I just am trying to see it from the Republican side of view. In the past 10 years I have kinda been in the middle but single, narrow minded people having me leaning towards the dem. It just seems that they only have one reason and not a good one at that. But no matter how you feel I believe that everyone has a duty to be informed and to vote! Even if your beliefs do not align with mine our great country will be better off if everyone votes! Good luck oct 1 is almost here!

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Re: An honest question for Republicans.

I am an American Conservative first and foremost. Today, the Republican Party is far more conservative than the Democrat Party, so I vote Republican almost all of the time. If the roles ever become reversed and the Democrat Party becomes more conservative, I will not hesitate to vote for them. My allegiance is to an ideology, not to a particular political party.

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Guest lostiniowa

Re: An honest question for Republicans.

That is a great answer Texan. Even if you are a texan (just kidding I am from Oklahoma) I wish more people would vote on ideology rather that a particular party!

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Re: An honest question for Republicans.


Please tell me why you are republican. Do not bash democrats. Tell me why you believe what you believe. Recently I have ran across 3 and only 3 types of Republicans: 1. I am a republican because I will make more money. (my wife is in medical school and everyone is republican because they will make more money. Ever heard of greed?) 2. Abortion. While I am opposed to abortion as a form of birth control I am not apposed to all abortion. Could you imagine if your wife or child was raped would you want them to carry that with them for 9 months? Also, why should I as a man tell a women what she can or cannot do (yes I am a very religious man so don't go there). Also, abortion will always be so rather you are for it, against it, or somewhere in the middle we might as well accept it. And 3. Gun control. A lot of my hunting buddies are republican for this reason " the democrats want gun control. They want to take my guns away. Nothing could be further from the truth. They just don't think we need machine guns to hunt with? Again I am not bashing I just am trying to see it from the Republican side of view. In the past 10 years I have kinda been in the middle but single, narrow minded people having me leaning toward the dem. It just seems that they only have one reason and not a good one at that. But no matter how you feel I believe that everyone has a duty to be informed and to vote! Even if your beliefs do not align with mine our great country will be better off if everyone votes! Good luck oct 1 is almost here!

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Not only are your answers wrong; the question itself is not being honest.

You are bashing Republicans with all three of your examples, yet you do not want any Democrat bashing.

Republicans do not "all" fit into any of the three categories you mentioned. Not "all" Republicans believe the same just as all Democrats do not believe the same. Or maybe all Democrats do believe the same?

I have never followed Party lines to the "T", and probably never will, however the Republican Party seems to represent most of the things I personally feel are important.

The only reason I was glad to see Bill Clinton elected President, is because it meant that we would not have him here as a Governor any longer.


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Re: An honest question for Republicans.

Im not either one, I find voting according to party lines to be a bad idea actually.But dont sit there and tell me nobodies trying to take our gun rights away.Theres plenty of groups that want to do just that and the democrats are hand in hand with most of them.

Second dont even talk about politics and greed and pretend it only happens on one side of the fence.Near as I can tell theres not a lot of politicians out there today that arent in it for the money, becuase they sure arent making vast strides to improve anything in either party.

And last, your last two democratic presidential candidates were a joke.Clinton did just about every immoral thing possible in the Whitehouse and Kerry shoulda been tried as a traitor a long long time ago.If he was in office Saddam would probably be running this country right now.Im not gonna sit there and say Bush hasnt screwed anything up like some of these guys will, but with choices like that Bush was clearly the better pick IMO.

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Re: An honest question for Republicans.

Voting for a person just because they are in the party that you like is stupid anyway. I vote off of who I like and who I think has the better views and who is going to run this country good. In the case of GWB, he had better views on a lot of things than Kerry had. Kerry wouldn't of been able to run this country any better, I'll tell you that.

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Re: An honest question for Republicans.

The best way I've found to describe the difference between liberals and conservatives is:

Liberals want more laws to protect you from yourself but, if you don't obey the law that's OK - they want you to feel good about yourself.

Conservatives wants fewer laws and less governmental intrusion, but by-god you better obey every one of them.

Like said, it's not just about money, abortion or gun control. It also has to do with individuality rather than herd mentality; personal responsibility rather than irresponsibility; standing on your own two feet rather than relying on or blaming others; morality rather than immorality.

Robin Hood was a liberal.

Right is right.

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Re: An honest question for Republicans.

There are parts of your comments that I can see and they are some of the deciding factors that ususally sway me toward republican candidates.

1. I don't make much money, but I do want to pay as little in taxes as possible.

2. Abortion is one of the many social reasons that I vote for conservative candidates. I don't think it is a method of birth control I think it is murder. No baby ever did anything that deserves a death penilty, but lots of rapist have.

3. I like being able to have as many guns as I want. "I think every law abiding American should be able to own A GUN " quote from John Kerry. I'm just not cool with A GUN Many "liberal" talk about owning "A Gun" or "A Gun for hunting" That seems to have an underlying message to me.

4. I want my daughter to have the right to pray when and where she wants to.

5. I like hearing a prayer befor a football game. Not a "moment of silence"

6. When big buisness is making money everyone benifits.

7. Republicans did what most liberals claim.

They are the party for the Black man.

Democrats opposed.

the freeing of slaves.

The equil rights amendment.

Blacks and women voting

8. I think if a man is able to work, then if he wants to eat, he must work.

9. I think if someone rapes a 2 year old they deserve to die, not for my tax dollars to pay for thier therapy.

10. I think prison should be a bad place to be. I don't have HBO why should my tax dollars be paying for it for them.

11. I think less government is a good thing. After Katrina, our church had to move it's donations 5 times and recatlogue them everytime, because none of the different departments wanted to give up the power over who was going to give out the toothpaste and fresh underware. We spent 2 full days moving stuff from place to place when we could have been handing it out.

12. Right now, the Chtistian right wing has some pull with the republican party and many of it"s candidates. I agree with their views, so as long as they do, I'll vote republican unless I am covinced otherwise.

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Re: An honest question for Republicans.

How tell us "do not bash democrats" but in your very next begin bashing republicans.

As for why I vote johnf's reply. Very well stated. wink.gif

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Guest lostiniowa

Re: An honest question for Republicans.

if you read carefully I did not bash I was asking for clarification because I know that the narrow minded people I have been talking to can not represent all of the republicans.

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Re: An honest question for Republicans.


if you read carefully I did not bash I was asking for clarification because I know that the narrow minded people I have been talking to can not represent all of the republicans.

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By definition, anyone who holds an opinion that they believe is true is either narrow, or closed minded. Those people who are open or broad minded are what we like to call indipendents, or undecided.

We have a (primarily) two party political system in which the opposing parties are diametrically opposed on most social and economic positions.

Democrats are no more open minded than Republicans, they simply hold the same opinions as the liberal media, so they are not called closed minded.

I am a closed minded, narrow minded Christain conservative that belives strongly about social issues. I will always do my best to change the minds of those who are unfutunate enough not to share my views and opinions.

People who are open minded are looking for an opinion to hold. When they find the one they agree with they are no longer open minded either.

You question is flawd.

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Re: An honest question for Republicans.

I believe what I believe and not because of some political motivation. And I don't need somebody on a RT forum spewing that my beliefs are only my beliefs because I can't accept facts like abortion, gun control or being rich. Well abortion ain't natural and without it many people would have had successful lives and maybe came up with a cure for the cancer for some of the same people who wanted them dead before birth. But I'm just speculating. Have you ever heard the saying,"It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." How about Kerry (Your Man) saying in front of a NY Convention that lesbians like Whoopi Goldberg, Ellen Degineras and gay guys like the cast for Queer Eye for the Straight Guy are the heart of America? They don't represent me and my community and (LOL and Thankfully) neither does Kerry. What bout him lying bout what guns he owned that was proven by those guns being the same banned assault rifles he was lobbying against. Then he lied again by saying that he made a mistake and agian quoted the wrong style of rifle which the company he named didn't even make. What did Bush say? Nothing. He granted an interview to Field & Stream and talked about how he tried pheasant and quail hunting but his true love was bassfishing. He also said that the farmers and blue colar workers and people working midnights and the mothers trying to make it on their own while raising kids were the heart of America. Kerry hung himself and edwards was only making it worse by clinging to Kerry's feet and smiling like a Jack A S S

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Re: An honest question for Republicans.

because the democrats want bigger government, and i want a smaller govt. because the dems are using the same play book from 50 years ago. because i haven't heard a dem say "let's do it this way", for decades. all they say is let the government do it, but not how. the liberal party took over the democrats 25 years ago. i was one, then. but i since have changed to independent. wish i had a better choice than dem or republican when the elections come around, but i won't

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Re: An honest question for Republicans.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I vote the party line. I'll vote for a republican I've never heard of over a democrat I've never heard of whenever given the chance.

Because I work hard and I'm not too keen on the idea of my tax money going to support some deadbeat waste of space that chooses to sit at home and pump out kids that will continue the trend of suckling off my teat.

Because I don't want to consult our enemies (France and the U.N.) everytime a decision needs to be made.

Because abortion is murder and the death penalty is necessary, not vice versa.

Because my father is a republican, as is his father.

Because I dopn't trust white guys with dread locks.

Because I want Bin Laden DEAD!

Because Heussein had to be removed from power.

Because just the thought of how Al Gore would've reacted to 9-11 scares me half to death.

Because I'd prefer an uptight Republican being the butt of countless jokes to a Democrat sullying the office of the U.S. President because he doesn't have the will power to keep his pants zipped.

Because there hasn't been a decent democratic presidential candidate since JFK. Because there hasn't been a GREAT democratic presidential candidate since FDR.

Because I'm keeping my guns, per second amendment.

Because Ronald Reagan is one of my heroes.

Because there are 50 stars on our flag, not just New York, California and Massachuesetts.

Because if the fair tax is ever to become a reality it will be under a republican administration.

Because Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hanity and Michael Savage are national treasures.

Because I don't want my health insurance premiums going up just so I get to spend 5 hours in the waiting room at my doctor's office while the illegal aliens I'm supporting get free healthcare without being burdoned with paying taxes.

Because I don't want to provide free needles to junkies.

And finally...

Because it is now acceptable to use the word nucular.

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