Just witnessed something awesome!


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Just a few minutes ago, I was looking out my window and watched two doves land on top of the birdfeeder. I noticed that they were nervous looking, the way they were craning their necks around and twitching. Next thing I know, I see them both look back the way they came from and take off. A split second later, I see a redtailed hawk glide right on after them, really fast. They then both disappeared into the treeline, so I couldn't tell whether or not it caught one, but that was freaking awesome! Not everday you witness a predatory critter in suburbia.

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Re: Just witnessed something awesome!

Back in college I was talking on the phone, looking out over the ponds of the fish hatchery I was working at that summer. I was telling the person on the phone how neat it was that a momma wood duck and her ducklings came waddling out of the woods and started swimming across one of the ponds. Before I could start another sentence a red tailed hawk swooped down on one of the ducklings and took off with it. One of the most exciting things I've seen.

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Re: Just witnessed something awesome!

That is awesome!

Years back my brother and I watched as two bald eagles set up on a pond after Malards. One sat in the tree while the other bombed the pond over and over again. They never got a duck (as long as we watched) but it was amazing! I had never seen an eagle in person before that!

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Re: Just witnessed something awesome!


Last year, from my treestand, I witnessed a hawk catching a squirrel. Awesome sight.

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About 5 years ago on the opening day of ML season I had squirrel run past me at mach 1. A few seconds later a sharpshin (sp) hawk came chasing after him and passed inches from my face. Took my beath away.

Seeing predators do their thing always gets my juices flowing tongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif


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Re: Just witnessed something awesome!

Last year while I was sitting in my stand I watched a hawk catch and eat a dove. What was pretty sad was that it took forever for the dove to shut up squawking and screeching. And boy...what a TON of flying feathers!!!!!!!

I hope I don't ever see that again. I realize that the hawk has to eat too...but I really don't wanna watch it. crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif

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Re: Just witnessed something awesome!

in 1979, my spotting scope was trained from my living room to an eagles nest a mile away. each sat. morning, my brother in law & i climbed above the rock ledge the nest was on, and took photos. eggs, eaglets, fat little pinfeathered creatures, then gone. when we went to the nest, we gound rhinestone collars, legs & beaks. it was an awsome june. lots of dogs & cats, and a few antelope fawns, were dinner. just right.

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Re: Just witnessed something awesome!

OH Yeah....

I've seen Perigrine Falcons in mid air, snatch pidgeons. A big puff of feathers in the air.

I worked on a major bridge in NYC, and the Perigrines were nested up on the tower of one of the bridges spans. If anyone got close to the nest...POW MOMMA came a swooping on by. Trying to combat a falcon at 400' up is not fun. Luckily we were all tied off with safety harness' grin.gif

WE would find dozens of pidgeon carcasses all over the bridge, with just the breast meat eaten of the birds. Most of the bridge towers in NYC have a population of Perigrines and Red tailed hawks.

They are excellent pest pidgeon control in NYC.

Matter of fact I have a pic I took of that bird resting on a handrail.

Let me see if I can find it. I did. I just scanned it.

Pretty cool. I remember that day in Sept 98.

This is the Tri-Boro bridge in NYC.


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Re: Just witnessed something awesome!

Pretty cool Joe.

I was dove hunting a couple weeks ago and I retrieved a bird I had downed about a 1/2 hour earlier. The bird was already rigor mortised so I sat it on a fencepost in front of me. It looked like it was just resting there. 5 minutes later I watched a sharp shinned hawk cruise across the road, into my back yard and land in a pine tree. That hawk saw the dove on the fence post and jumped out of the tree and made a bee-line for the dead dove. When the hawk was about 10 feet from my dove, and only about 14 feet from me I waved my arms and the hawk finally peeled off, but 2 minutes later came back. I picked up the dove and held it out for the hawk thinking to myself "you can have it if you take it from my hand......", but he flew away.

Pretty cool. cool.gif

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Re: Just witnessed something awesome!

When I was fishing for trout a couple weekends ago we watched a pair of ospreys outfishing the heck out of us. Every time one of them bombed into the water it came up with a trout. It was awesome. I also saw a hawk nail a robin on my front lawn this summer, it happened pretty fast. Last winter a pair of bald eagles were soaring above the yard one day.... I was keeping an eye on the sky. wink.gif

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Re: Just witnessed something awesome!

I took my nephew grouse hunting one evening and he had just bagged a ruffed grouse and was going to retrieve it from the willows when a Great Horned owl dropped out of a poplar tree and landed on the bird. My nephew was shocked and yelled at the owl but it just took of with the grouse in tow. Needless to saymy nephew was one upset young man.

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