Determined little feller


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My 10 yr old Austin decided he needed his own shotgun.I told him that was fine, as soon as he earned enough money we would go look at them.Well, he earned 63$ doing odd jobs and got another 70$ for his birthday.So he informed me we had enough for a single shot grin.gifMe and his mom discussed it and I told him I would match his money if he wanted to spend it all and get a youth model pump instead.he liked that idea but apparently I wasnt fast enough for him.Somehow while he was in Des Moines with his mom and grandma he convinced em to stop at Sportsmens to"look" at guns.I cant even talk em into stopping to look at guns.Long story short I got a phone call from him asking me if it was ok for mom to buy it.And she did.He brought home a youth model 20 gauge Mossberg 500.He also brought home clay pigeons, and trap loads so he could get some practice in before season cool.gifTook him out yesterday and he managed to hit 6 outta 20 clay pigoens, not bad for his first try.Hes also informed me youth waterfowl is Opening day of bow season and youth pheasant is the first day of his early ML season.Looks like hes already got my first month of bowhunting ruined,errr, I mean planned out LOL.

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Re: Determined little feller

Awesome horst! I picked up a Youth Mossberg Bantam in 20 gauge back in March. Is your sons a Bantam also? Mine came with 3 chokes, full, modified and improved cylinder.

I bought mine for $220, but ended up spending all of my $260 on ammo and tax and stuff like that. Saved up all winter with snow shoveling money.

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Re: Determined little feller

I have mixed emotions on this one crazy.gif

One one hand I am happy that your boy has his first shotgun laugh.gif

On the other I feel sorry that you couldn't be there to buy your boy's first shotgun. frown.gif This moment is a Daddy thing. I would have been crushed if I could not have been there to buy my boys first shotgun. Hope you were not? These moments only happen once you know.


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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Determined little feller

not saying we as dads, our time is over. i know you said you might miss opening day of bow and muzz. but its all about the kids. our job in making sure they do it right and stay in the woods and off the street. do him proud. in his eyes you are the world. dont let him down. best times spent is between a father and a son. good choice of a first gun. good luck and make him proud.

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Guest BuckMaster058

Re: Determined little feller

Tell your son congrats on the new gun. Always great to see someone getting there son or daughter involved in the sport. Gotta keep the tradition a live and passed down by generation. Hope he gets his first kill real soon.

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Re: Determined little feller

That boy has a plan and is very determined, he seems to be always thinking and that is a good thing. Enjoy the time with him Chris as before you know it he will be all grown up and teaching his kids how to hunt and shoot.

Congrats on the new gun, there is something to be said about getting a new gun, sitting there in its box, that is a great feeling espeically at a young age. That gun will last his lifetime and he will be able to pass it down to his kids someday.

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