Blind patriotism...Where do you stand???


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Re: Blind patriotism...Where do you stand???


Thanks to our military everyone in this country has the right thier own opinion

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There's the point I was making Horst.... wink.gif

I wasn't trying to step on your toe's,,,,or be insulting in any way..... I was saying unless you have been in the Military and experienced what they have to offer........what is your opinion being based on ???? SPECULATION ???

And to set something straight I didn't make any JUDGEMENTS.....all I said if you never served just remember where you got your right to opinions from,,,,,So if you want to jump on me and try to belittle me atleast make sure it's for the right reasons...... wink.gif

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Re: Blind patriotism...Where do you stand???


I don't think it's fair "per se" to say that all people don't have the right to agree or disagree with the war. I would like to think like that but I am not sure if it is right or wrong but my feeling is it's probably wrong

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I took this from my above post. I don't like to take sides and I still won't. I will just voice my opinion. Either of you can take it how you want. I am as much of a military nut as VH and some of the others in here. We all tend to back up each other up especially when it comes to military issues. Those who serve or have served tend to have a attitude, me in some cases...ok alot of cases....that unless you been there or done that, don't talk to me about the military. That's the part of me that I was talking about earlier that I don't think is right to think like that. Everybody has a right to voice their opinion whether it is about Iraq or Bush. I might not like it that they do but in reality I think they do have that right. Alot of our leaders in Washington and at the Pentagon who make us do the things we do, never served a day in their life in the military. Should we not carry out our combat operations and training exercises because they never served in the military confused.gif You see where I am getting at VH? I know how you feel because I know how I am. I take a lot of pride in being a Marine and I don't like it when people voice opinions about the military if they never served but it's not the right attitude to have.

Now back to the original topic, I will say and will always say that my attitude is "America love it or leave it". If you disagree with the war or whatever, that's fine. I have no problem with that because I still have my opinions about this whole Iraq ordeal. But even though we may have different opinions on stuff, we ALL still need to stand behind the President and the military and support them. When we don't do that, it divides us even more and more. Then, the enemy wins wink.gif

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Re: Blind patriotism...Where do you stand???

I got ya Mike... wink.gifwink.gif,,and totally understand where you are coming from......It just gets me when people start throwing out " WELL IT'S MY RIGHT" thing,, and totally forget where they got those rights from..... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

I wasn't trying to degrade anyone for their opinions...Just if you have one on the Military,,,,before you make one you might want to try serving first.... wink.gif,,and not basing an opinion on second hand knowledge from what they have been told....

As for my character Horst...I think I have a pretty good one....I'm honest, hard working, and try to help others when it's possible........ wink.gif YES I have a BIG MOUTH at times and don't know when to shut it,,, so if I offended you I apologize,,,we have enough enimies in life without having to cause more in here....So I hope you accept my apology,,,andcan continue to have our little debates wether we may be on the same side of it or not..... wink.gif

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Re: Blind patriotism...Where do you stand???

Actually VH, I think we were both saying the same thing, just coming at it from different angles.No need for an apology, thats what this forums for, exchanging ideas and opinions.

My grandfathers both retired from the military, my great grandpa was killed in combat, my uncle flew rescue missions in Nam, and I was signed up to join myself untill some other issues came up and they wouldnt take me.I think Im plenty qualified to form an opinion of my own.Dont assume everyone who hasnt served has no idea how things work, thats my only real point. wink.gif

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Re: Blind patriotism...Where do you stand???


I was signed up to join myself untill some other issues came up and they wouldnt take me.

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These are some aspects I keep forgetting about.... frown.gif..BAD ME.....) NOT everyone has a choice as to wether they can serve or not,,,,some things are just beyond the controll of some individuals, and I need to realize that.... wink.gif

As long as we are COOL,,,, wink.gif,,,and I'll work harder on the spouting off.... grin.gifwink.gif

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