Need Some Quick Pointers


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I was given a muzzle loader a few years ago and never had much luck getting it sighted in and eventually gave up. This year I wanted to get a new more quality ML but with our season here in Canada with the province I am in being only 4 days long my wife saw the price on the TC’s and said no way lol. I finally settled on a 50cal CVA Optima Pro as I read where many people with it were happy overall and it did fit my price range.

I am going out to Sask. Canada this year for a week long hunt during ML season and am planning on going to the range next week to try and site in the CVA. I have read many different how to’s ( Including the chapters from here ) on the net but I guess I am just looking for a few quick points.

I plan on shooting Pyrodex Pellets either 100 or 150gr with 245gr Powerbelts Aero tips. I was told it is best to run a patch through after each shot ?? Should this patch be wet or dry ? Does this not push the powder to the bottom of the barrel where it can block the hole from the primer or just not let the next pellet seat properly ?

I am going to start at 25yrds and then out to 100 but last year when I tried this with the other rifle I could never get within 1-2 feet of the bulls eye with each shot. I have seen from all the reading I have done that documentation can get really in depth, I guess what I am looking for is 10 or so basic points I should follow getting it sighted in.



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Re: Need Some Quick Pointers

Have you bought the powder pellets yet? If not I would strongly reccomend getting the loose powder. It will really let you fine-tune your load better. After you get your gun roughly sighted in, using any amt of powder, you could then shoot a few groups with different powder charges, and see which one works best for your gun. Trust me, the results will vary. If you have already bought the pellets, they will work also. I just like loose powder more.

When I shoot my muzzleloader, I take along a little spray bottle of windex. After each shot, spray a patch. Use it, then flip it over and do it again. Then do the same, except use a dry patch. This will keep your barrel a lot cleaner, and allow for easier grouping. When you use a patch, it cleans the powder out, it doesn't just push it down to the breech plug. Sometimes powder will form a crud ring, just in front of the breech. You can push a patch back and forth over that a few times to clean it out better.

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Guest coop2564

Re: Need Some Quick Pointers

If you dont get good groups with the power belts try a different bullet. I've found them to be very inconsistant especially at higher power charges. The plastic seal just does not come off the same each shot. Also the 245gr pb's may not give you the penitration you want on big deer. In the thick woods a exit hole is a must for good blood trails.

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Re: Need Some Quick Pointers

I agree with coop, my Encore doesn't like 245's but loves 295's, that's with 2-50gr. pellets Pyrodex or 777. While sighting in, I would suggest the Knight Range Patches that are presoaked with cleaning solevent, I run one of them through, flip it over and run it again and then reload, works great. good luck

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Re: Need Some Quick Pointers

i shoot power belts i shoot the 245gr and they work good for mine and my dads muzzleloaders we shoot around a 2 or 3 inch groups with them we killed two bucks last year with them but i have no pics of them. we shot them about 121 yards away and droped both of them with them

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