Mag sabots?


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I was just reading in my handbook about loads and such. If I shoot a standard lead like a shockwave I can only shoot 100grn. If I shoot mag sabots I can shoot up to 150grn. I honestly wont shoot over 100 anyway but whats the deal? I have already bought TC mag sabots but is it because of early expansion?

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Re: Mag sabots?

The shockwave is a jacketed bullet and will handle velocities faster than any 150 gr Pyrodex or black powder load will push them. I shoot the 250 gr in my Savage to 2400 fps and they hold up well. The 200 gr has been pushed over 2600 fps with success.

The XTP and Mag XTP frag a little quickly at those speeds but when the velocity is reduced to 150 gr charges, its ok.

I shoot all lead bullets by Precision Rifle in my magnum muzzleloaders. I use 150 gr charges of powder and a QT40 or Deadcenter bullet. They also work outstanding on game from 10 yards to 200 yards.

The sabot is the limiter of what you can do. If the sabot is too soft, it will burn through, melt, or shred, and not hold the bullet or create a good gas seal. The MMP, Harvester, and Precision Rifle sabots all work well, even with 150 gr loads.

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