so long suckers


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okay here we go

first off my vote will the the same as yours come tomarrow. BUT some of the stuff that hard core conservitives/bush lovers believe or say prob cracks me up as much as some of the things democrats say are to you.

But i find it disturbing some of the things you all say.

I agree bush is doing alot out of the country for national security, here at home i think they are doing very very little, Id love to remember where i read the artical but as i cant i wont go quoting it, basicly said that the department of homeland security is just a smoke cloud, a department with grave responsibilities but very little means or authority to get much of anything done. sounds so much like the way washington works.

You republicans sit here and bash clinton because he missed a chance at bin lauden. Bush didnt miss a chance at him (at least that we now of) but we as tax payers, funded bin laudens family exit from this country, bush claimed that the family wasnt worth questioning because they had very little contact with him....really thats funny considering most of them where at a wedding with bin lauded less then 12 months before the attack.

You republicans tout his "faith" in his desicion making, is this the faith that lead him and his VP to have three DUI's between them, to do cocain?? or the faith that leads to bush's MBA proffesor at harverd to label him "not only a bad student but spoiled, loutish, and a pathological lier"???

I wonder and post these things not to try and sway anyones vote on the eve of the election. I post them because sometimes i wonder these digital pages and wonder to have got to be #$%@# kidding me. I think that there are some VERY VERY smart people who contribute to this room, i also think that there are some complete idiots who's views would make any klan member smile, and who's vote isnt much more than the un-inteligent vote so-many of you bash. There are those who will slam a democrat for doing one thing but praise( or at least make an excuse) for republicans doing the exact same thing. I posted the above to show some examples, but they are only the tip of the iceberg. Many of you do so much to bash or blame my generation for the problems we have today, to those of you all i have to say is we didnt creat the tone we just roled with it, these problems started in the 60's and have just gotten worse threw the 70's'80's,and 90's.

To the kids (i use that term only for lack of a better one right know)who cant vote yet, i have a little more to say. I love to see you getting involved in our political system at such an early time. Dont let anyone but your own views and reaserch on the facts dictate your vote, this forum is a perfect example of why you dont listen to one source, the false emails have floated in here from each side of the line. And the majority will always think there right, even when they know they arnt. Stay the course and do the research, this will very soon be our country. with people from our generation running things. feel proud of this and feel proud that you know the person in office is one you approve of. dont let some idiot calling you un-patriotic, sway you from questioning authority if you think that authority is wrong.

I think bush deserves another four years to get what he has started done,I think all presidents desierve 8 years for that reason unless they have done something very very wrong and besides if he screws it up he will just be a elephant version of clinton. I promise i will remind you of it everday.

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Re: so long suckers

Good post Aaron, you said a lot of things I have thought of but never said. Just think, in 20 or so years, we'll be running things and there will be a host of middle 20's early 30's voters complaining about the decisions we are making. I'll be 28 later this month so I have what, 7 more years til I can legally run for President. Slugshooter in 2012. grin.gif

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Re: so long suckers


As you know, I respect you a great deal. It couldn't have been easy for you considering you have taken a lot of heat for your views here. (slugshooter too for that matter as I just told him in a PM...LOL)

People like you give me HOPE for the future of this nation. You're NOT blindly following the paradigm of "since you're under this age, you're not going to vote." There's the other one of "if you do, you're definitely going to vote for this or that party."

Kudos to you for basing your vote on YOUR values and YOUR hard work in researching the issues. I, too, believe Bush deserves four more years--but he BETTER make them productive ones.

And with what you said about kids, you hit the nail right on the head.

Great post, Aaron!

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