Weekend Project


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After Tominator refinished my new stocks (again great job) ...


...I decided to repair the cracks in my old stock and try my hand at painting a camo scheme. How do they look?



I like the way they turned out. My only problem now is I only have one 870. I like the stocks Tominator did so much, I don't want to take them off my shotgun. Guess I need to pick up another 870, huh? grin.gif

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Re: Weekend Project


THAT took you all weekend??????? LOL

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Actually, I did most of this on Sunday afternoon.


Gave me a heart attack there for a second bud.

Sheesh, thought you painted over my handy work. grin.gif

Looks good! cool.gif

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LOL ... no way man! I love the newly refinished stocks you did. I almost didn't even want to drill into the butt stock to install the swivel pin. grin.gif

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