Belguim Browning


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Re: Belguim Browning

Oh, ok. You have a Superposed. The V74 states your gun was made in 1974. The Lightning model was 6 oz lighter than the Standard Weight gun. Hopefully it still has the plastic buttpad and not a rubber recoil pad. That would decrease the value a bit. But as long as the stock was not cut, it can be worth a bit. In fact, the Blue Book says if it has a recoil pad subtract $500.

The barrels should have 1969-1975 Morgan, Utah and Montreal, P.Q. The chokes are marked next to the ejectors.

* equals Full

*_ equals Improved modified

** equals Modified

**_ equals Improved cylinder

**$ equals Skeet

*** equals Cylinder bore

Your gun is a FKLT which means it has a flat knob long tang and is post salt wood. Browning had a problem with salt in the wood that would rust the receivers. This was from late 1966 until 1972. Your gun should be ok. The most desirable versions are from 1960-1966, next are the 1970-1976 FKLT, the 1970-1976 RKST (round knob short tang), and finally the 1966-1971 (salt guns).

These values are based on the condition.

100% - $3200 (unfired)

98% - $2700

95% - $2200

90% - $1550

80% - $1275

Yep, you have a gem. Take good care of it. Do not shoot steel shot through this gun.

Hope this helps.

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