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Re: TEAM 4

This is Bucknrut checking in... fresh back from the NY Smackdown2 where I shot about 4 trees out of 36 targets, had to borrow arrows, and completed the contest using arrows with no field tips!

I shoot "fingers" and the course was setup for "release shooters" with targets out to 40 yds. My equipment is only good out to 25yds. Don't worry, I always get "a few" deer every year.

Congratulations to Rossman on your mulie! shocked.gif

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Re: TEAM 4

I finaly took a pic of my 2005 Mule Deer Tag. Sorry for the delay. This will be sure to get us off and running!!!!

The following is what I posted.

I finally got around to take a pic of my 2005 Mule deer from Colorado. Sorry for the delay.

Screen name - Rossman

# of Tines - 9

Team 4

Here is the picture of my 2005 Muley.


Here is the picture of the tag.


Go Team 4!!!!!


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Re: TEAM 4

Way to go Rossman!! I know yall don't want to hear about misses.....But......I had a nice 8 pointer in my sights but just grazed him low. No blood on the arrow and just spotty short trail!! Ughh. Can't complain though, it's a long season and I'm going out tonight. Hope to get a bruiser on the board for us.

Names?? Anyone? confused.gif

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Re: TEAM 4


Rossman are you sure those brows aren't an inch? gotta make sure we3 don't cheat ourselves haha. My bow season is off to a slow start, passed a few small bucks, trying to get a doe or a big buck, and i can't get a shot on a doe!

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Yeah, they are definatually an inch. I measured them from the base to the tip before we sent it to the taxidermist.

Oh, I only counted the points on the beam, I forgot to include the brow tines. Good catch. I will change my entry. Thanks for noticing!!!

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Re: TEAM 4

Good catch team!! Rossman you are a stud! This week is anniversary with the wife. 9 years!! We are spending our first night away from our 11 month old. So lets just say I wont be chasing deer tomorrow wink.gifgrin.gif

Back to normal hunting next week. Are we just gonna go with Team 4 or do you all like the goofy name or have any imput???

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Re: TEAM 4


I dont care what the team name is, although I doubt purple headed yogurt slingers is going to fly.

BTW--sweet buck rossman!! grin.gif

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I dought that wil fly either. We need some suggestions!!! I am not very creative. Just throw some names out there. Here are some more.

The Crack Shots

Team Swamp Buck

Team Drop Tine

Team High Country, not as in the brand but the rocky mountains!

Come on guys, you have to give suggestions or oppinions!!!!!


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