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Re: TEAM 4

we could ensure our victory by naming ourselves "The Realtree Slayers" - shamelessly use the realtree name and they'd be like wow, these guys must be good, we definately want them to represent us! smile.gif

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Re: TEAM 4


or, the way the scoring started, we could go with soemthing like... 1 Inch Cheaters =^_^=

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The points were measured and they were definatually above 1 inch. Actually, they measured 1 1/2 and 1 3/4 inches. From the base to tip. I even subtracted the extra velvet on top of the hard horn.

But let's not speak of it again!!!!


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Re: TEAM 4

well, i wasn't meaning it like actual cheating, i guess i should clear that up.

i've hear the brow tines referred to as "cheaters" before because some people count them and some don't

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Re: TEAM 4


well, i wasn't meaning it like actual cheating, i guess i should clear that up.

i've hear the brow tines referred to as "cheaters" before because some people count them and some don't

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, O.K. Now I remember. Especialy with mule deer. Most don't even count the brow tines because they typically don't really have any. Just little nubs.

Sorry bud!!!

When do you want to vote on a team name? The ".... mushroom ...." name, is probably a no go due to youths. So let's be moraly resposible and pick a better one.


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Re: TEAM 4

eh, really the name doesn't mean so much, it's more what we make it - we could be called anything, what is most important is when we win and they all worship us... that's right, just thinking positive:)

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Re: TEAM 4

Prizes or not, it's fun just being associated with a group. It helps keep me motivated.

Anyway, last weekend was interesting. Had a group of does and fawns pass within bow range about 15 minutes before sunrise. Then a group of 7 deer enterd the cut bean field an hour or so after sunrise. Too bad they were at the "wrong" end of the field. But, I did notice a pattern. The place they enter the field is good for a SE wind, which is what we have forcasted this weekend.

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Re: TEAM 4

I know it will be hard for me to top that muley. But, I seen four bucks this morning. Four point, which I let walk at 20 yds, a spike and two 8 points. The 8 points were definate shooters.

But I guess I can keep my updates too!!!!

It is fun just being associated with this contest mand our team. But prizes would be cool too!!!

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Re: TEAM 4

well, i got mine. nice big 4x4 with a 24.5 inch spread. I'll post some pics a little bit later, i was looking through them and i'm having problems finding 1 picture that shows all the scoreable tines, except for the ones that are just the antlers only. i'll try to get a few of them up on the net and let you all see. also need to get a close-up of my license, since in the ones i was trying to show the entire deer and the points, you can't see any information on the license. should have pics up later today

i also wanted to note, that I had 2 inch cheaters smile.gif

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