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Re: TEAM 4


Well my weekend for hunting got shot right in the butt. Rained from Friday morning all the way through last night. I didnt even get to go out at all. And to top it all off, this morning is absolutely perfect to be in a deerstand. But, no Sunday hunting here in PA. frown.gif

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What's wrong with hunting in the rain? The deer are still out. I went saturday morming in the rain and saw lots of movement. Don't let the rain keep you indoors. Many big bucks have been killed in the rain.

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Re: TEAM 4

I did some "rain hunting" this weekend. Had two doe right under my stand 30 minutes before sunrise. crazy.gif Saw a total of 14 Saturday morning and nothing on Sunday (PM). My buddy saw only 3 doe last night, but his son (too young to hung in NY) saw 14. He made good mental notes of where the deer entered the field. It's a place we know well. It's a small staging area on the edge of a ridge/field. Later this week we will be hanging a stand there.

Hunting in the rain cause my arrow rest to come unglued so I didn't hunt Sunday morning. I put on a new rest, adjusted the nocks on both sets of strings, and resighted my pins. All set for next week when the chasing phase should begin. grin.gif

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Re: TEAM 4



Well my weekend for hunting got shot right in the butt. Rained from Friday morning all the way through last night. I didnt even get to go out at all. And to top it all off, this morning is absolutely perfect to be in a deerstand. But, no Sunday hunting here in PA. frown.gif

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What's wrong with hunting in the rain? The deer are still out. I went saturday morming in the rain and saw lots of movement. Don't let the rain keep you indoors. Many big bucks have been killed in the rain.

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I dont like to archery hunt in the rain, especially heavy rain. Blood trails dont last to long in that kind of weather, and to me personally its not worth hitting a deer and then losing the blood trail because of rain and never finding it. Not worth it at all.

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Re: TEAM 4




Well my weekend for hunting got shot right in the butt. Rained from Friday morning all the way through last night. I didnt even get to go out at all. And to top it all off, this morning is absolutely perfect to be in a deerstand. But, no Sunday hunting here in PA. frown.gif

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What's wrong with hunting in the rain? The deer are still out. I went saturday morming in the rain and saw lots of movement. Don't let the rain keep you indoors. Many big bucks have been killed in the rain.

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I dont like to archery hunt in the rain, especially heavy rain. Blood trails dont last to long in that kind of weather, and to me personally its not worth hitting a deer and then losing the blood trail because of rain and never finding it. Not worth it at all.

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Your right, "In the heavy rain". But in a light rain, a blood trail won't wash away as quick as people think, especially in heavy wooded or "swamp canopy" areas. Too many trees and leaves to let the rain make a direct hit onto the blood.

I always make sure the shot is going to be a quick kill, so the deer won't run far before expiring. But, anything can happen. I basically cut my shooting range in half. This gives me less room for error. But, this is just what I do. Others may feel more comfortable or less comfortable with their shots.

You knbow the saying, "to each his own".

I still see lot's of deer in the rain!!!


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Re: TEAM 4

Nice buck, congrats! I Tagged my first deer last evening with the old muzzleloader. I wanted to use my antlerless tag and i did...just not on the deer i thought lol. I was stalking withing range of a group of does and fawns, there was a lone doe just over a bit of a ridge. I stalked in, peeked over teh ridge and there was the deer about 60 yards out. I cocked the gun, held the sights just behind the shoulder and fired. Two things went wrong, one i shot too far back, but luckily a .54 caliber slug makes short work of a liver, and secondly, the deer had moved and i shot a fawn. lol Oh well, some good eating meat, and now it is time to go for the big buck.

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Re: TEAM 4


Nice buck, congrats! I Tagged my first deer last evening with the old muzzleloader. I wanted to use my antlerless tag and i did...just not on the deer i thought lol. I was stalking withing range of a group of does and fawns, there was a lone doe just over a bit of a ridge. I stalked in, peeked over teh ridge and there was the deer about 60 yards out. I cocked the gun, held the sights just behind the shoulder and fired. Two things went wrong, one i shot too far back, but luckily a .54 caliber slug makes short work of a liver, and secondly, the deer had moved and i shot a fawn. lol Oh well, some good eating meat, and now it is time to go for the big buck.

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hey, that happens to the best of us. Happened tome last year. But with Darwin's "natural selection" theory, the fawns should be the ones shot. They are the weakest and less likely to survive the winter, coyotes and the occassional wolf. Well, you'll have a little less but better meat for the freezer. And, let's not forget, five more points for Team 4!!!!


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Re: TEAM 4



Nice buck, congrats! I Tagged my first deer last evening with the old muzzleloader. I wanted to use my antlerless tag and i did...just not on the deer i thought lol. I was stalking withing range of a group of does and fawns, there was a lone doe just over a bit of a ridge. I stalked in, peeked over teh ridge and there was the deer about 60 yards out. I cocked the gun, held the sights just behind the shoulder and fired. Two things went wrong, one i shot too far back, but luckily a .54 caliber slug makes short work of a liver, and secondly, the deer had moved and i shot a fawn. lol Oh well, some good eating meat, and now it is time to go for the big buck.

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hey, that happens to the best of us. Happened tome last year. But with Darwin's "natural selection" theory, the fawns should be the ones shot. They are the weakest and less likely to survive the winter, coyotes and the occassional wolf. Well, you'll have a little less but better meat for the freezer. And, let's not forget, five more points for Team 4!!!!


[/ QUOTE ] I still have a doe tag and a buck tag...good thing since i forgot to take a picture of the tag on the one i shot yesterday. If fawns had more meat on them i would shoot them intentionally, just like calf moose. Rifle season opens here this weekend, so within two weeks or so i should have my entry submitted. I saw a huge 10 point in the 160to 170 inch range while bow hunting, hopefully i see him again soon. smile.gif

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Re: TEAM 4

I think Xen still needs to post his buck on the entry thread with his license. Other than that I haven't heard of anyone else getting anything. I've only seen the one buck on opening day. Haven't seen much or been out much other than that. I will try some more this weekend.

ML opens on Saturday!!!

So are we going with the Mighty Muley's or the Mighty Mulies?? I think the first one looks more like the correct spelling, but I'm just a Virginia boy. Let's ask Rossman and Xen. ????

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Re: TEAM 4

well... mulies would be plural of muley, muley's would be showing ownership

also, finally got a close-up pic of my license - took the liberty of blocking out most of the personal info, if the moderator needs all the info, i'll make arrangements to put up a pic and private message them the link


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Re: TEAM 4

eh, i used federal vital-shok ammo, which uses a nosler partition bullet - i'm willing to bet they carry more knock-down power smile.gif

gotta say tho, haven't seen much bigger deer posted than rossman's - especially not ones taken with a bow

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Re: TEAM 4

well the first week of rifle hunting was fun. I had numerous close encounters, passed a big 6 point on teh ground at 25 yards with my rifle, passed on does and fawns. I rattled and had a huge 11 point come charging in so fast i couldn't get a shot off, and shot a small 8 point for one of the guys we hunt with. (note party hunting is legal, he had to leave the next day and had no meat) Not sure how that will work if i need to enter it if i don't get the big buck i am after. Since he put his tag on it i don't know if it will be allowed or not. Oh well, i plan to shoot a bruiser before dec 15th anyway. That buck was 40 yards, and one shot from the 7mm dropped him in about 30 yards. The big 11 had within 30 yards, but he came running in and saw me and took off in thick stuff before i could get a shot. the reason i know he was an of the guys sitting about 300 yards away shot him the next day lol. Nice deer, probably mid 150's. This week i am job hunting mainly, but next week is our second deer camp and i have a few big bucks spotted. So, i now have two deer down, and still have a buck and a doe tag.

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Re: TEAM 4

Heading out (1 1/2 hours) tonight to a mountain in VA. I'll be bow hunting all day Friday and some of Sat. for black bear primarily. Big bucks will go down too grin.gifand I will probably take a doe if it presents an easy shot with nothing following. I hope to bring back some good news and hopefully pictures to scan and put up here. Good luck to everyone else this weekend. Let's put some more points on the board team whatever!!!

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