Team Broadheads-N-Bullets

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Re: TEAM 5

saw my first buck tonight ( cow horn spike ) and had a doe go by at 24 yards , but she wouldnt stop and its right at my maximum for the recurve.. i just played it safe and didnt shoot. ive got plenty of time and lots of deer to see before i sleep..

Shoot Strong


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Re: TEAM 5

well hello fellas!! what about the Lung Busters as a team name!! i thought about that name after i shot my buck yesterday afternoon.

well i finnally got the monkey off my back! yesterday afternoon i went hunting with my cousin and a friend. my cousin puts me in a lock on stand that is on the edge of a field with some persiommon trees in it thata re dropping pretty good. At about 6:40 i look across the field about see a deer working the edge of the field just inside some planted pines. he then checks one of the persiommon trees and then crosses the field to where i was. he came down about 15 yards and broadside and baaa he stopped and WHAPPP!!! i smoked him!! he ran about 100- 125 yards and found him in the planted pines. I was so pumped that i called everyone i could think of from the stand. he weighed 185 and is my biggest deer i have ever taken with a gun or bow and my second deer with a bow and 1st buck with a bow. i''ll try to post pictures in a few!! lets keep it going boys so we can win this thing!!!

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Re: TEAM 5

Good job, sportsman!!!! Congratulations!! How big was he?! smile.gif

Guys....I'm guilty.....I helped another forum member get a

Shoot, I really don't care about the contest....having fun is what it's all about. I got RyanH on a deer, so let's just not let his team win!!!!! grin.gif

I'm gonna try to post pics of my tags today, so we can get some points on the board........good luck Guys!!!

Remember.....PICK A SPOT wink.gif

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Re: TEAM 5

Nice buck Sportsman!!!!!

Way to go buddie!

I am at best gonna put some doe points up for bow season. Rifle season I have a much better time wacking a buck.

OK I am not trying to take lead spot here but the name thing is bugging me.

I am asking right now if everyone is ok with "Team Broadheads-N-Bullets"???

If no objections then I am going to PM Need2Hunt with our team name.

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Re: TEAM 5

hey sportsman congrats on the buck ...thats outstanding , your first one with bow also.. great job.. grin.gif

i have seen 3 small bucks so far since my last entry. the last one was tuesday night and he was a 120 class 8 point.. i didnt get a shot , but i would have passed anyways..

im done with my recurve for the season . now its the Ultratecs time . i rechecked my sight settings and they are still dead on out to 60 yards with broadheads.. even though i wont shoot farther than 45 yards ..

i put a stand up yesterday in the rain and i plan on hunting it tonight and tomorrow night to fill my doe tag.. if not then im off to my main hunting ground saturday and sunday to fill the tag...

Shoot Strong


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Re: TEAM 5

thanks guys! how much you think he'd score? just curious. he's not a real monster but a monster in my book. i'm taking my dad and bro in the am with the smoke poles. hopefully we'll all see deer and have a shot at some.

we should be in the lead with this thing. gary hasnt posted VTbowman's points for his doe. i'm i right? well till next time!! gone hunting--Jake

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Re: TEAM 5

Opening eve here in NY's southern zone.

Rain has been NON STOP the last 6 days, the runoff and erosion is incredible here.

Let me ask this question team...

Being thats it been wet; rubs, scrapes and any other scent markings are weak because of the rain. Right?

When the rain you think it will be a good idea to go heavy with scents, estrus ect?

Real deer will be out freshening their marks too.

If I beat other deer to the punch will the bucks come investigate? The deer know its changing seasons due to the moon and the recent weather. So a lot can happen in a week since its been raining as far as does coming into estrus.

What do you think?

I'm usually a treestand set up on a trail hunter rarely using scents, except for cover. I think a scent parade will be effective.

Just looking for you guys input.

Rain or shine...I'll be out tomorrow morning.

Good luck to all.

Lets go Team Rah Rah rah!

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Re: TEAM 5

Got back in at 9:30. I saw one 5pt and he came within 10yards! I was on the ground in a pop up blind. The buck knew I was there all along. He wouldn't take his eyes off me. He did'nt spook though...was more curious. After about 15 mins...he decided come closer...he got within10-15'

snorted 3x and took off grin.gif

Pretty cool.

Gonna be backout there for the afternoon hunt.

BTW. I used Tinks 69 with no results.

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Re: TEAM 5

unless the bucks in your hunting area Adam are after Does i would lay off the tinks until your pre rut or rut..

Saturday Morning:

i had 3 does come close this morning . all within 30 to 35 yards . problem was that they didnt offer a proper shot for me.. they were to much quartering forward..

saturday evening :

ok guys kick me .. grin.gif

i passed a small 8 point tonight at 25 yards and a spike and a 6 point . but a doe was nowhere to be seen.

i think this stupid full moon has the does not feeding until late .. im off to hunt dougs in the morning .. its time to get cracking on a doe ...

Shoot Strong


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Re: TEAM 5

Way to go bdboy!

I had a close encounter I posted already Under "BUSTED by the unseen.."

This rain is making bow hunting real tough IMO.

I though they would be flocking out into my green fields like ussual, but I am seeing hardly anything.

Only in the mornings, which I can barely hunt due to watching the kids...

We got one weekend left and I have the last 4 days off of our bow season.

Hopefully I can make something happen....

Good Luck to all!

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Re: TEAM 5

I blew a shot folks...Plain and simple...I blew a shot mad.gif.

A doe came up behind me and knew something was up...She wouldn't pass the tree I was sitting in. She took a step forward, then backward. She must've looked up at me about 10x! That freakin 6th sense they have. It was the lead doe and she was nice size too. She finally gave me an opportunity to draw my bow, and then she started to walk behind me to my left. With the bow at full draw, I let loose a "BAA" aim and let rip...The string hits the arm of my tree stand and threw off the shot. I swung around too much and the string was inbetween the bow and the arm of my summit climber. DUH!

The ground blind was too small to draw my bow at the last minute,I ran home and grabbed the climber and chose a tree in the back of the house. Limbs needed to be trimmed ect, so my view was limited.

I just have to chalk it up to experience.

When I get back into the yard... My son Joe comes out and told me him and the whole family was watching it all with binocs thru his window.

Great...just great... blush.gif

He says..."Dad...are we eating backstraps tonite?"

I missed Joe...we both started laughing laugh.gif

I shattered my arrow and ruined a Shockwave expandible mad.gif a $20 miss blush.gif

Until tomorrow!!!

Hope everyone else did better than I did.

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