Team Broadheads-N-Bullets

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Re: TEAM 5

i shot a 10 point tonight . grin.gif

this is the biggest buck i have ever shot.. hes probably only 135 class , but hes still a nice buck . grin.gif

he was chasing does and then came right past me . i made a nice double lung shot at 14 yards. arrow went complete passthrough and burried in the ground..

i will have pics in the morning.. along with my tag info for the team ... wink.gif

now my bow season is done . i guess i can concentrate on indoor target competition now..

im off to get something to eat and i will cape him tomorrow for mounting and start cutting him up.. i guess him at a 4 year old buck..

Shoot Strong


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Re: TEAM 5

yea Ryan its been 4 years for me. your guess on score is right on the nose at 148.. have been passing up smaller 120 to 140 class bucks every year and i just couldnt stand it when this one showed up . grin.gif ive been just a doeshootingsonofagun .. grin.gif but this year i eat buck meat .. wink.gifgrin.gif

i could go out and shoot a doe with my County doe tag , but i sure dont need the meat now . plus it doesnt get us anymore points and i can concentrate on indoor target season now . grin.gif

i will still go out and try to get some bucks on film and maybe try during late season with my recurve to fill that doe tag..

hows your buck hunting coming this year ? do you have those pics from the 3d shoot this year yet . i still haven seen the ones you shot of me.

Shoot Strong


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Re: TEAM 5

yea baby let the bucks come rolling in. good job to everyone that has taken deer so far.

you other guys dont sweat it you still have a lot of time left..

last year i put to much pressure on myself and i missed 4 does before i scored..

good luck to everyone..

heres my pic submitted for the contest


Shoot Strong


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Re: TEAM 5

Tony- I posted those pictures of you a LONG time ago. I'll try to email some of them to ya. wink.gif

Congrats again on the buck....he's a dang good one!

My deer sightings have all but stopped!! I got down yesterday to do a little scouting to see what they're doing....but I think I'm in a good spot still!! Fresh rubs (one 30 yards in front of my stand) and a scrape are nearby. Guy from church said he and his buddy always seem to "lose" the deer this time of the year, but will start seeing them in approx. 1 week from now.....I SURE HOPE SO!!!!!

I want to get that big boy I saw with RyanH....what a HOSS.

I'll update my you can just check in there.... grin.gif

Awesome job guys!! We're doing great!

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Re: TEAM 5

Way to go Tony!!!

Sorry teram.

I put an arrow in a big doe yesterday afternoon and by noon today I still had not found her.

I wrote the story in the bowhunting room.

I thought she was in the freezer when I got out of my tree. I swear I did not push her and in fact due to an error in waht direction I thought she went, we ended up giving her a good 4.5 hours to expire before we took up her blood trail.

Rain I think screwed me on this one.

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Re: TEAM 5


Hi guys....finally got a nice one ( my biggest yet) Shot an 8 pointer that dressed out at 194 lbs. Not a huge rack like most of you guys see but ok mass and a 15 1/2 inch spread. I will get the pics up soon. Swamphunter1966 took some pics that are better than mine i think. Good luck all. going back out this weekend.

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I think yours puts us in the lead.

But seriously.

What your real user name...??? LOL

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Re: TEAM 5


im getting my pics from swamphunter1966 tom. sometime. he is gonna show me how to post my pics on here so we can get the points. sorry about my name not being on the other post. (forgot to sign in). keep knockingthem down guys.

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Here ya go Ed, sorry I didn't get it in yesterday, but I had to work late last night. Ya need to get a pic of your tag yet and then I will post the whole thing in the contest entry thread.

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Re: TEAM 5

Lets keep it rollin' here boys.... laugh.gif

Hope its better weather by you than here in NY.

We are getting like 40-50mph winds, no kind of weather to be flinging sticks at animals grin.gif

Friday am looks to be the best day for me. I am hoping to get a shot at one of the 8's I've seen running around here in the summer.

Good luck to all.

Hunt Safe!

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Re: TEAM 5

congrats to all that have taken a deer, i've had a couple of hit's but not found the deer....the 8 i shot i saw 15 days later in my food plot....the 10 in spike all i found was a gut pile....sorry tresspassers....had a doe at 15 yards this morning but still didn't get the behind a tree and went the other way ....but im out there trying every chance i get.... mz loader opens in a week so maybe i can get in range of a few.... congrats to all

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Re: TEAM 5


BdBoy you need to enter your pics in the Contest Enrty Thread.

Have you done that yet?

If not your points have not been counted.

I think Adjam needs to do this as well for his doe.

Then we should be at 51 points which will put us in the lead if all other scores are up to date as well.

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I entered your deer and tag in the entry thread skinny...I am not sure why it wouldn't work for you, I'll mess with it next time I see you.

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