Team Broadheads-N-Bullets

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Re: TEAM 5

well guys i got another one tuesday night!! saw four does and got one. bucks are starting to puch does here.

yesrtday mornign i took my dad and her got a small buck with only one side and then a doe came out right after my dad had drug the deer out of the brair and starts licking the blood. she then came on my side of the pecan orchard and i missed at about 150 yards. i didnt even take my time on her!! i totally snatched the trigger!! but ohh well i'll have more chances hopefully. i hope to thin the herd out more and give the meat away to needy families. we have way too many does here!! but anway i need to run. i'll stay in touch. and lets keep it going!!!-- til next time gone hunting---Jake

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Re: TEAM 5

So anyone seeing any decent bucks on our team?

I just came back from doing some work out on my property and did not see much for rubs or scrapes, but lots of heavy trails coming out of the woods in areas the historically did not travel.

Thankfully that home made ground blind I poste4d about covers 4 major trails in a far back corner of field thats never been hunted since I owned the property.

Come on Nov 12th!!!!

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Re: TEAM 5

Haven't seen any more good ones....

Finding more scrapes this year than I ever have!! Rubs popping up all over as well. Talked to the landowner I hunt on today, he showed me a spot (spot I was fixing to hang a stand in....go figure) I am pumped!! Bucks starting to move, and now a spot that is tried and true....just gotta find time to get a stand hung out there.....

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Re: TEAM 5

since my season ended a little early this year .grin.gif

i plan on going out during our late season muzzle loader which is dec 21st to jan 10th. i will be using my bow which is legal..i will be looking for a huge narly old big un..

i could be out there right now trying to fill my county doe tag , but i just dont need the meat at all..

but im definately going to try for a whopper during the late season..

Shoot Strong


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Re: TEAM 5

I have seen big 8's in my yard all summer. Now of course... they are invisible. confused.gif

I have been seeing a old buck that looks like he is injured. He is very white in the face and gimps when he walks. He has 4 good points on one side and a twisted downward spike with what I guess you can call a brow tine. He is walking with 3 legs, but still has some dominance. All the little bucks scatter when he comes to the scene. The end of our archery season is near nov.18 and I see this deer often. I estimate him to be about 4-5 years old. Its gonna be a long hard winter for that buck with 3 legs. When it gets down to the last few days...I'll probably take him. I'd like one of those 8's I've seen in the past, but he'd do if I don't come accrosss one of them. laugh.gif

Good Luck Team!

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Re: TEAM 5

I went out last Thursday and Friday to finish up work on my property for the rifle and ML seasons coming. After I was done I took a ride on the atv to check out all the field edges and saw zero buck sign.

Went out again on Sat afternoon with BobD and we saw everything tore up in all the old haunts the bucks use year after year.

I think my ground blind will produce this year!

We start up again this Sat the 12th so wish me luck.

Due to my daughter coming up from LA to visit the week of thanksgiving, my hunting may be limited.

I am hoping I tag out the 1st day...

I have to work days 2 thru 5, then get 2 days to hunt before my kid gets here.

I may have to bring her out to one of the box stands. LOL

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Re: TEAM 5

I went out this morning and WHEW was it windy....

All I saw was a 4pt chasing a doe...he was glued to her...the rut is in FULL SWING here in NY.

In NY we have only 6 days left of our early archery season. This year the gun opener is on a saturday. The 1st time they changed the opening day since 1946. DEC claims it will get more people in the woods if the gun opener was on a saturday. Sure it will...I can see it now... the hummers and escalades pull up... out pop the city guys decked head to toe in orange with their 300weatherbys shooting every spike that I let walk. My land (62acres) buts up against a 450acre hunting camp.

Bow hunters in NY lost 2 precious days during the rut, by making gun season start 2 days earlier.

Oh well...have to make the most out of the last few days before the guns start going off. grin.gif

Good Luck Team!

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Re: TEAM 5

ON 11-10-5 I discovered I have an fairly bad ear infection.

Doesn't that always seem to be the way?

A couple days before the opener of rifle season and I get sick.

Not to mention body aches and pains racking me.

Well to dang bad cause I still went.

4:30am 23*F, I am up and getting ready. Thank God we had almost zero wind. Hard frost too.

I get to my blind about 45 min before legal light and the moon was out. I see 2 nice rubs 10 yards behind my blind on a field edge in the moon light that were not there aa few days ago.

This raises my spirites for sure. I am over looking a scrub transition area directly across a field east of me that I found several rubs and scrapes in, with a nice scrape 90 yards away and a rub 100 yards away just inside the edge on a log road I can look down into.

6:30am 2 doe cross the field I am overlooking at 200 yards north of my blind.

2:00pm neighbor sighting in a muzzle loarder 1000 yards east of me.

3:30pm other neighbor (behind me) giving his family a property tour and testing out the echo off my ridge line. They walked down an ATV trail not 20 yards behind me and never saw me.


4:15pm 4 doe at 400 yards cross a feild and up into my woods.

No bucks in 13 hours of sitting.

LONG day of dark to dark hunting in that blind with an ear infection.

Now I get 4 days of work to think about it.... frown.gif

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