The Double Lung Kids!! (# 6)

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Re: TEAM 6

Some days are better than others. I should start some kind of log again to get a true answer.

I was wondering if anyone was hunting. I have been at it pretty hard and went buckless with my first archery tag, Permit archery started yesterday. I have to kill another doe and then hope to catch up to a buck. Only saw one deer in about five hours of hunting. A little yammer just out of bow range. Don't think I would have shot it anyhow.

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Re: TEAM 6

took my 12 year old cousin out sat. for the youth hunt it took about 1 hour a she harvested a nice 8 point her first buck ever she has taken 1 doe a year for the last 2 years now she wants one like the one on my wall she says told her it would take some work the bad think is her mom and dad dont want her out there in the reg. gun season and this year in mo. they are predicting that it is going to be right in the middel of the rut

didnt hunt to hard this wekend wanted to take the cousin out but i did do a little boy the little bucks are realy feeling it seen a fork horn last weekend chasing and this weekend seen a 6 chasing a doe and sunday seen a spike chasing

from sep.15 to end of oct. see about 1 deer per 3 hours from nov. 1 to 3rd wek of nov. 1 deer per hour hunting mostly bucks during this period from 3rd week of nov. to jan.15 the end of season its prob. around 5 deer per hour mid to late dec. to jan15 its nothing to see 20 to 25 deer per hunt in the evnings

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Re: TEAM 6

Good job on taking out your cousin bigbuckdown70.. I am headed for the Show Me State in 2 days..... bow hunting for 6 days and pulling out the 270 for 3 days...... I am looking for these 2 bad boys.... they have been seen next to my stand 2 weeks ago... Just hope I get lucky and have a chance...........I honestly want to see the monster I saw in all see ya in a couple of weeks with some pics.......I hope....



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Re: TEAM 6

hasvested a button buck sat. thought it was a doe hate shoting them little guys you couldnt even feel the buttons with your had only way to tell was the think in the way when i rolled it over to feild drees it

it was 75 degrees out so i had to hurry up and skin and quarter it and get it on ice i was having trouble posting it but i e-mailed the pic. to need to hunt to see if he could do it for me

gun season starts this sat. so its mt turn got all the kids taking care of during the yoputh season so daddy gets to have some fun weekend without any kids wooooo hoooo good luck to everybody


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Re: TEAM 6

I'm glad to here that folks are doing well. I hope that there is more to come. I have been taking my kids on a regular basis and the kids are only seeing a couple here and there but so far no arrows have flown. My 11 year old had one at twelve yards on the side of the tent where we couldn't get a shot. I tried slipping his crossbow through the window and holding it for him but when he saw the buck he got so excited that he let out a " Oh My god!" grin.gif and that was the last we saw of that buck. It was funny and I'll bet he never makes a sound again. wink.gif

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Guest IBO_bowhunter

Re: TEAM 6

Hi team. Tought i would just let you guys know that I took a doe last Saturday on the fifth just haven't had enough time to post it. Good luck to everyone who is getting ready for gun season in a couple of days. laugh.gif

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Re: TEAM 6

Hello team...... good job ya all.....

Im back from my MO. trip and I just cound not find those bucks I was looking for.. I believe they were in the area with all the big rubs, and some nice big rubs where showing up as the week went on...

I did manage to shoot a 7 pointer with my bow.....that was awsome!! HE went maybe 50 yards.. double lunged again.....2 deer with my bow this year.....waa hooo !! I guess I am going to show him as a 6 as far as the score goes...... I broke his brow tine off as I was lifting him up with a chain to hang him up......... good grief ! ! I was hot....

I will have pics in a couple of days....need to burn up the roll of film

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Guest TheDanishDanger

Re: TEAM 6

Congrats so far to everyone, I"m finally headin home this weekend and will be out all week. So i'll be lookin to tag and help out with the points. Wish me luck!!

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Re: TEAM 6

Good job you guys! wink.gif Nice buck fullfan! I was in Missouri as well, but couldn't find the magic spot. If anyone needs help posting their deer send me a PM. We have a shot here if we get them posted.

Will try to fill my bow buck tag before Saturday back here at home. Lot of hunting left.


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