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Re: TEAM 8


Them foam bucks are tasty if they are cooked just right! grin.gif

Team Hoyt Hunters it is! cool.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, ya know what...I'm sure Rookie Mod Wannabe (his words, not mine grin.gif ) Tominator wouldn't mind removing your privledges for a few days. grin.giftongue.gifwink.gif Or me for that matter. tongue.gifgrin.gif

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: TEAM 8

I will finally be able to go hunting this weekend when bow season finally opens. It is supposed to be rainy but we will just have to see what happens.

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Re: TEAM 8

Went out yesterday morning and afternoon, saw a total of 4 deer. Full moom is Monday, so that pretty nuch explains the lack of deer movement, IMO.

One buck I saw, a small 6 pointer, was about 40 yards from my stand. He has got to be one of the dumbest deer out there... grin.gif...wandering all over in broad daylight, crunching through the leaves all the way. He was in two of my lanes, before he left my area and went over to put on a dead-deer walking show for Tominator. Hope he still acts like that when he is a 150" animal, if he makes it that long...... wink.gif

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: TEAM 8

Well guys, I went out for the opener on Saturday and saw 2 deer in the morning but they were behind me and off in the brush a ways and they didn't want to come my way. Yesterday I went out and had a deer spook early in the morning before I even saw it (it probably smelled my scent trail, so it started blowing like crazy). Well, a little while later something spooked a doe to my my direction and it took me 5 grunts to get it to stop trotting. When it finally did at about 15 yards I shot and it jumped the string on me and the arrow just barely went over the deers back. Hopefully I can go back out this weekend and make contact on a deer and finally add some more points to our team.

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Guest varmint101

Re: TEAM 8

I went out this morning and saw 1 doe, an 8, 6, and 4 pointer. At 705 the doe came out and was coming down a ravine when I mehed at her and missed!! I couldn't believe it. First time I'd ever missed with my bow. Figures, but oh well I guess. She was probably all of 70lbs anyway. It turns out she was about 35 yards away instead of what I thought was 25. I guess it looked shorter because of the slope..who knows. Either way it went right underneath her! I was ticked.

5 minutes later a really good looking 8 pointer came over the same ravine and this time came directly under my stand. At first glance I knew he was big, but didn't think he was big enough. Then when he came under my stand I got to thinking this is a pretty big deer. So, I stand up to take the shot. While I was getting up I moved my seat and made a noise. He didn't know where it came from, but he took off out to (really this time) 25 yards. I had it pulled and he was dead, but for some reason I never let it fly. I was 100% ready to let loose, but then all of a sudden I thought this deer just simply isn't old enough yet so I let down. Oh well, I was really second guessing myself after I let him trot off though! He's a really pretty 8 and perfectly symmetrical. I just wasn't ready to end my season yet on a marginal, for me, deer. He would have easily been my 2nd largest buck. I just couldn't do it.

At about 830 the 4 and the 6 came by with the 6 trailing the 4 by about 40 yards. The 4 came right by me, but I never did have a shot on the 6, but it wouldn't have mattered anyways.

If we were allowed to shoot more than one buck a season I would have taken him, but we aren't so I didn't.

Hope everyone else is able to get out and enjoy it! They're really starting to move here.

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Re: TEAM 8

I havent seen anything here in bama except a doe and fawn. Season just getting started though. I have finalized plans today for a hunt with a local Doctor that he puts on at his place. He has a place that is unbelievable. He wrote on my invitation that there is an "abundance" of 3 1/2 and 4 1/2 year old bucks this year and we should have a great hunt. Last year out of 45 hunters or so on this hunt there were over 10 8pt or better bucks killed. I missed a shot at a 130 in 8pt and had another 115in 8 pt killed within earshot. Needless to say I am excited. I should add points to the total then. That is the weekend of the 11th of November. Wish me luck. Ill be trying to add too our score in the meantime here locally....Bama

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Re: TEAM 8

Thur. I had a little 7 point 10 yards from my stand. Decided to let him grow more and had about seven does under 25 yrds. I hadn't bought a antlerless only tag yet so passed on the does as well. I'm going to buy 3 antlerless tags this weekend and going to hunt all of next week. Great time for a vacation from work. grin.gif Good luck

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Guest varmint101

Re: TEAM 8

Saturday I saw a lot of deer in the morning (that's all I had to hunt). I saw 7 deer and 4 of the 7 were bucks. I managed to rattle in a very nice looking 10 point, but he only managed to come in to 65 yards and wouldn't come any farther. I guess he was just curious and not very aggressive. Hopefully this next week I can get him good and pissed off so he'll come in roaring!

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Re: TEAM 8

Tonight will be a sleepless night.

I finally got a chance to hunt my Waterhole Stand this afternoon. My brother has been seeing a lot of bucks cruising and I saw one this morning while moving my groundblind, things looked pretty good.

Not a whole lot of activity until about 4:30 PM when I heard a deer walking along the logging road. I saw it had a pretty big body and when it got to 30 yards, I knew it was a shooter buck. I'm not positive as to how big it is, I didn't concentrate on the rack. It looked like it had five points on one side and maybe three or four on the other. It wasn't tall, but it was pretty wide. He was coming for the waterhole, which is about 15 yards. I drew back and he quickly turned and was looking directly at me. I let back down while he was taking a drink from the waterhole. He backed up a bit and was quartering towards me. I know, most people wouldn't take that shot, but I'm very confident in my shooting ability. And with a buck this size just 15 yards away and getting ready to leave, I figured it's now or never.

I screwed up.

That is all I can say. If I were to have one excuse, it would be that I misjudge the angle that he was facing me. But, I screwed up. I hit him too far back. He didn't look too hurt. I trotted up the hill, stopped and then I lost sight. I heard footsteps beyond the hill, where I last saw him and then they just stopped.

I made the decision that there was no way I wanted to track him tonight. I made a terrible shot, I don't know what happened, just choked I guess. I wasn't nervous, I just made a bad shot I guess. There is a chance I could have got his liver, but where the arrow was on the exit, I don't know. The first thing that ran through my mind when they arrow hit was "oh crap!"

I screwed up. If there is any sliver lining to this cloud it is that he wasn't spooked at all. He looked at me a bit, and was never spooked before the shot or after he was hit. He didn't seem in any big hurry to go anywhere. I just pray I got the liver.

My cousin keeps saying we'll find him, but I don't know. I'll be hoping for the best. Hopefully I'll have a good report tomorrow. Right now, I feel like throwing up.

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: TEAM 8

Sorry about the deer Chrud. Hope you find him.

As far as my hunting goes, i haven't been out in a while and it looks like it be a little while longer before I can go hunting again, because of school and work. But gun season is slowly approaching, and I will definatley be hunting a lot then.

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