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Re: TEAM 9

Okay fellas...............how's it looking so far?

I get to start back hunting tomorrow morning. Got a freeze warning in effect for tonight so I am hoping to finally see some bucks.

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Re: TEAM 9

guys ,I haven't been a very good team member! I killed a nice 8 but couldn't remember where to post pics of it!

if it's not too late let me know and I'll try and get them in!

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Re: TEAM 9

Glad to hear the rest of the team has been doing pretty well. My hunting seasons, both bow and gun, went out the window with two disturbing events in my life, the first was the passing of my mom during the bow season and then just prior to gun season the other pharmacist took another job and I have been over worked and under paid (well over worked at least) since. I did pass up some smaller buck early in the gun season on the couple of days I did get coverage at work, but then the week off I had planned during the rut did not materialize due too the fill-in pharmacist needing oral surgery. Alas, I did not get my hunting "fix" or a chance at a decent buck (or elk for the matter). Sorry, I will quit whining, and congratulations to my team members who had success this past season. Good job!

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Re: TEAM 9

My season's officially over as of yesterday. Most disappointing year of bowhunting I can remember. frown.gif I didn't hunt at all with a gun. Saw a grand total of 6 different bucks in the general bow season. Last year I saw around 30 different different ones. Can't even be sure I saw a shooter this year. Maybe one. Then, the day after Christmas our late archery came in. I didn't even see a buck at all since then. Season went out yesterday. So I've got nothing to contribute to the cause except a pretty fair effort.......but there ain't no thread to post a picture of effort. smirk.gif

Congrats to those of you who scored and good luck to the ones still at it!!

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Re: TEAM 9

Okay guys...........I posted my buck for the contest. Sorry it's only a measely 8 points. crazy.gifblush.gifcrazy.gif

Will try to get a bigger one to replace him before the end of February. wink.gif

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