Team Renzos

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Re: Team Renzos

welp, heres a recap on my 4 day weekend..... got in the tree thursday afternoon, rattled and did the can a little bit...nothing much happened, then i looked and 3 does were coming into the corn field pretty hard, i thought for sure they were being pushed by something...they came right by my stand at about 35, and 40 yards.....bread and butter then friday mourning did go, friday after noon driving home saw a booner in a corn field at about 3 o clock. he was about 15 miles from were i hunt. got in the tree didnt see much of anything...saturday mourning woke up and didnt feel like getting up, but something kept telling me, GET UP..... GET UP, this is a great mourning, so i ready to go, and had to wait for my dad, and he made me a little late getting into the timber, i pulled into my hunting area with my lights off and it was just starting to get that semi light stage of the mourning, i saw 3 does standing in my lain so i decided not to drive any farther and just park there and walk the rest..i then got ready and started walking with my tinks 69 bottle open blowing towards the bedding area and my stand, i dindt think much of it till i got distracted looking at a couple does about 400 yards away, and then my dad was like kyle....kyle stop...stop! and i was like what, so i started to look back at him and before i could get turned around my attention was drawn to a very nice buck coming right to me, i crouched down and tried desperatly to get my release on my string but failed many times because i couldnt stop looking at his rack walking right to this point this nice buck is about 15 feet away from me and STILL walking...i finally get my release on my string and then he finalyl sees me at about 10 feet away....i got to slowly draw back and he takes off...i immediantly ''batt'' at him and he stops at 41 yards....i ranged him and then drew back on him and he ran for good.....didnt see much of anythign the rest of the weekend

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Re: Team Renzos

I spoke with Bailey this morning. He took an 8 point in Iowa and was heading home for a few days before heading back to Illinois. He wanted me to tell you guys that he'd love to see some video of us hunting with the dekes on film, especially if there's a kill involved. If anyone is taping, let me know and I'll give you more info. There may be a video conest on the horizon involving Renzos dekes too. I hunted both Sat and Sunday. Wind was blowing at about 20 mph each day. Saw nothing on Saturday but saw an awesome buck, (10 point) scent checking a doe about 300 yards away. With the wind, there was no way to get his attention. The farmer tels me he'll have the corn down this week and shotgun/ml season opens Sat. Sounds as though it should be perfect!

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Re: Team Renzos

Man the deer are moving like crazy here, even with the high temperatures.

I passed up a 2 1/2 year old non-typical on Sunday night and again last night, and two different 120 class 8 pointers on Sunday evening. All of them fell in LOVE with the Renzo feeder doe with a little James Valley Full Draw scent. Crazy. Man do the decoys do a great job of getting a deer's attention.

I just wish a shooter would walk out. I've passed up a ton of 120 and lower deer this year. I can't find something that I want to shoot. There is a lot of corn still on around here and with the warm temperatures we've had, I think the big guys are moving at night only. I had an awesome 10 pointer run out in front of my truck a few nights ago about a mile from where I hunt, it was well after dark.

Gun season opens here this coming weekend. I'm sure that will get the deer really running. I'm not a big gun hunter, but I'll take the muzzleloader out at least. We'll see what happens.

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Guest tunkhannockbowhunter

Re: Team Renzos

hey everyone

i passed up a bunch of small bucks already. the action is really heating up here in pa. this is the last week of bow season though. so im hoping i see a shooter by thursday or else i might take one of the smaller bucks i keep seeing.

The decoys really work well and even from an almost head on angle they look very lifelike. if i had a video camera id try to get some footage. had a 6 pointer and a 4 pointer come over and check them out last week. the decoys work best in the fields. IMO.

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Re: Team Renzos

well boys, heres how my afternoon went tonight november 9th. got to my hunting area and carried my renzo buck onto a ridge line and sat by a tree for awhile (i took my stand out of this timber) wasnt impressed on what i could see so i climbed up into 2 overhanging trees that were supported by one big tree, got up there and the wind picked up, and i fell out....the only thing i broke was 1 axis arrow, not even a hunting arrow a ''coyote, coon, bird'' i in anger i picked up my decoy and walked to the other ridge were it got flat and i could see better, set up the renzo buck and scent and started rattlinjg and grunting..about 20 minutes later 5 does came running hard on the ridge were i was sitting being chased by 3 bucks...i immediantly started rattling and saw another buck coming down the valley and up the side of the ridge i was one....gave him about five minutes , and started rattling again and sturring up leaves with my feet, about two seconds later a small buck came running right to me at about 15 yards, gave him a grunt so he would look at my renzo buck but instead he looked at me, i could have shot him, but thought i would pass on a tall 4 point..he turned around and walked down the ridge after the group of bucks chasing the doe' about everyone else, any luck?

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Guest cornbread

Re: Team Renzos

Nice Buck on the Buck 10acboy. I just got back from Illinois even though we had bad weather for deer hunting we all had a great time. I was able to wack a small doe and I let a good 8 pointer walk. I will post pictures and stories in a little bit when i get them uploaded.

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Guest cornbread

Re: Team Renzos

Here is the Picture of the doe that I shot. It had rained the night before and the wind was blowing about 20mph. I saw this little doe walking down the ridge across the hollar from me. She got down in the bottom where I could not see her, I never seen her exit the into the crp field where the other deer had been leaving. When I got down from my stand I nocked an arrow and went to slipping into the bottom. I finally get so that I can see the whole bottom and there she stands at 20 yards. She walks by at 15 yards and I send and a Muzzy tiped Axis arrow threw both lungs. She runs about 40 yards and piles up.

Here is a couple pictures of a Good 8 pointer that I let walk. He is not a Huge Midwest Monster but he would have looked good on my wall. I have been kicking myself since monday wishing that I had shot him. I have about 4 min. of video of him as he walks past my stand. He walks by at 21 yards and stops broadsided. I just thought that he was alittle to small to be shooting but after looking at the video i know that I should have came to full draw and let an arrow fly.

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Re: Team Renzos

oh yeah i know we can do this, the guys that are ahead of us, wont be there for long, we are ganna do it, slowly but surely, friday our shotgun/muzzeloader season opens up for 3 days and im looking foward to being in the stand from dawn till dusk.....gucl luck to everyone on team RENZOS..good luck guys!

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Re: Team Renzos

Shot this doe this morning. Does were getting run everywhere by bucks. I had the feeder about 30 yards from my stand. When she came through the ditch with her tongue hanging out she saw the deke and seemed to instantly relax. With the feeder there, I think she thought she was in a safe spot. Guess not..... Awesome morning. Passed on an 8. It was actually a 3x5 with a broken brow tine. May have been about 120". He bedded not 10 feet from my stand for about 5 minutes and then moved about 40 yards away to a ditch and bedded again. Today was opening day for m/l here. I may take a shot at him tomorrow if he shows again. When he bedded the first time he was only 25 yards or so from the deke in the field. I don't think he saw it though.


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Re: Team Renzos

Congrats guys!

I shot a doe Saturday night with the muzzleloader. I fell out of the tree stand and thankfully I'm OK. See my post in the deer hunting section for the full story.

I'm still waiting for the big one to walk out. I'm sitting out the rest of gun season here. I'll be on a family vacation over Thanksgiving. I'll get back out in our muzzleloader and late bow seasons. I typically don't hunt much of shotgun season anyway.

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Re: Team Renzos

welp boys, nasty weather here in IL...windy, real windy! was about 30 mile an hour wind steady all day...made a good day for stalking though, my buddy and i stalked up on a doe that was feeding in the corn field and she just kept walking to us, we werent quit sure who was going to shoot her, but she stopped at 30 yards and saw us, and we both drew back and she saw us, she ran and we didnt care to much because we were really after a big rutting buck, here's the game plan for tommorow, my buddy and i plan to go out to a timber we dont hunt very often and hang two stands there and hunt there until thursday. then friday morning i will be in the stand with a 12 gauge for the first day of shotgun season...good luck to everyone on team renzos!

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