Kickers & Stickers

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Re: Kickers & Stickers

NP. RyanH was askin me to make one for his team when they got a name well I didn't see any team 9 and I came into this one to see if it was the one and I saw a post by him saying it was a good name lol.

P.S. Never even noticed that I didn't type his name in the sig. lol

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Re: Kickers & Stickers

Hey guys and gals! Sorry I'm just checking in. I didn't realize I was on a team till now. Just checked it. Sorry. I did shoot a doe Tues. and would have taken pictures of it if I'd known. Doesn't matter though. I'm going to Illinois to shoot a monster (hopefully!) the first week of November. We'll see. Here's a pic of the buck I put in the contest last year. Hopefully I can do a little better this year for you guys!! Good luck to you all!!



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Re: Kickers & Stickers

Thanks y'all! I'm hoping to hunt this evening, Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. It's still warm here in VA. We could sure use some cooler temps to get the deer moving. I think the bucks are mostly moving at night.

I have another week and a half before I head to Illinois. I can't wait to go there. This will be my first hunt out of the state of VA. Here's a picture of a buck I got on my Great Uncles farm in 1998. Hope to see another like that when I go there this evening!



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Re: Kickers & Stickers


Where in WV do you live? My brother went to Potomac State Jr. College and played baseball for 2 years. I know y'all have some nice deer out there! My brother killed his first deer with a bow out there. I could probably find you a stand if you came down. smile.gif


I can't imagine you would want to leave Wisconsin to hunt our little VA deer! grin.gif Louisa Co. has some pretty nice deer. A friend of mine shot a nice 9pt there a couple years ago and I've seens some real pigs come from out there. Still nothing compared to the body size out in Wis.

Here's a pic of the last buck that's on my wall. I shot this one in 1988 (my senior year in high school).



Here's my trophy room. The white looking thing draped over the rocker is the hide from a piebald I shot 2 years ago.


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Re: Kickers & Stickers

Eric - I live near Beckley in Raleigh County but I have to hunt in Kanawha County near Big Chimney on my cousins property. MAJOR bummer only getting to hunt like 2-3 weeks out of the whole year but it's better than not getting to go at all! Sooo I'm not complaining! grin.gif

Those bucks hanging on your walls are definately something I've never seen up here! I've seen a few nice bucks that people have killed, but nothing that big. The pics you've posted definately have me (as well as everyone else!) drooling....!

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Re: Kickers & Stickers


Awesome trophy room and trophies!

As for body size, I wasn't looking at that. I was looking at antlers. wink.gif

We do have big boys here in WI but I've yet to tag a wallhanger myself. I've seen them but haven't been the lucky one to get one.

I'm mostly a meat hunter anyway. But I guess we all dream of a trophy.

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Re: Kickers & Stickers


LOL aww, I'm sorry....... do you need a tissue? frown.gif

I figured you would fire back..... what a poor sport. frown.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

actually i do need a tissue..... i forgot to wipe this morning..... hey..maybe that's why i'm not seeing any deer.......i stink too much... crazy.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Kickers & Stickers

Hey everybody... I'm leaving this afternoon for Pike Co., Ill. I hope to bring back a monster. I'll be hunting with some friends and they've been seeing some great bucks. Wish me luck! This will be my first hunt outside the state of VA. I'm really pumped! Will be back next weekend! Good luck to everyone... it's starting to get good!


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Re: Kickers & Stickers


Good luck Eric! We've got our fingers (and toes!) crossed for ya! grin.gif

Scott - whatever big bucks that are left in Indiana...... send em to West Virginia. K? grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

ummmmmmmm.........NO grin.gif

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Re: Kickers & Stickers



Good luck Eric! We've got our fingers (and toes!) crossed for ya! grin.gif

Scott - whatever big bucks that are left in Indiana...... send em to West Virginia. K? grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

ummmmmmmm.........NO grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Theres not any big bucks in Indiana....hey Scott, don't get discouraged if you shoot that little buck youve been getting pics of... wink.gif

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Re: Kickers & Stickers




Good luck Eric! We've got our fingers (and toes!) crossed for ya! grin.gif

Scott - whatever big bucks that are left in Indiana...... send em to West Virginia. K? grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

ummmmmmmm.........NO grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Theres not any big bucks in Indiana....hey Scott, don't get discouraged if you shoot that little buck youve been getting pics of... wink.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

nooooooooproblemooooooooo grin.gif

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Re: Kickers & Stickers

just an update here.....went out this weekend and saw a few deer....1 doe with a forkhorn trailing her and a 120 class 8pt. Tough decision to pass on the 8pt but there are better deer in the area and the season is just now getting good. Hopefully in my next post I'll put some numbers on the board for us!! GL all

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Re: Kickers & Stickers

well team-o..... i just about ended my season sat a.m....a very nice 10 pt. came by following a doe...had him at 20 yds. broadside....but i was not fast enough.....he just slipped away....aaaaaaaaaaaaargggggh mad.gifsmirk.gif also had a p&y 8 pt. in at 20 year i'll be laying for him grin.gif

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