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Guest La_Biologist

Re: BuckBusters

Hey guys well I've hunted every evening this week. Seen a few deer, none within shooting range. I have three more weeks of bowhunting before muzzleloader opens. I seen everything but deer this evening. Look forward to this weekend, temp is supposed to get down in the forties. Thats cold for La in Oct. Good luck this weekend.

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Re: BuckBusters


Hey guys well I've hunted every evening this week. Seen a few deer, none within shooting range. I have three more weeks of bowhunting before muzzleloader opens. I seen everything but deer this evening. Look forward to this weekend, temp is supposed to get down in the forties. Thats cold for La in Oct. Good luck this weekend.

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good to see you stickin around here, usually theres a buncha new members who sign up for the contest, and then never return.

I will be headed out again tomorrow morning probably. Need to get everything ready again. Hopefully I'll have better luck this time than last.

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Guest rutnroy

Re: BuckBusters

went out friday after work and was hoping to get a doe. all i saw was to small bucks, a 8 and maybe a 5. will be going again monday morning , hope to add to the score sometime soon.

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Re: BuckBusters

I went out both saturday and sunday morning. Saturday, I didn't see a thing. Yesturday, the day started off great. Before I had even nocked an arrow on my bow, I heard a couple deer in front of me. A minute or two later, it was finally light enough to see the fawn standing 15 yards from me. She walked by, giving me a perfect shot oppertunity, but it was too dark, and she was a little smaller than I wanted. I then saw another fawn, at least one large doe, and at least 3 little bucks. Of course they all stayed about 40 yards away from me, so I never had a shot oppertunity. All of those deer ran around my stand for about 40 minutes, and then I saw nothing else for the rest of the morning. Hopefully I'll get 'em a little closer next time.

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Guest La_Biologist

Re: BuckBusters

Hey guys, well I kinda went against everything I've been doing for the last four years as far as QDM. I took a 1 1/2 year old spike this evening. I made this one exception. This is the first deer I've ever taken with a bow. I've worked so hard for the past few months and spooked several deer this past week. He gave me a perfect shot at 30 yards and I took it. I'm hooked!!! I'm sure I'll be able to upgrade, I've seen several nice bucks within muzzleloader range. I'll post pictures when I figure out how. Good luck guys.

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Guest deadeye270

Re: BuckBusters

good job fellas!!! I was seconds away from letting the string down on a 6pt last, just didn't come togather. I'll definitely get an 8pt for the team before the year is over.

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Re: BuckBusters

I went out this morning. Things just never really went my way. I got there late, and a deer was in a field, right were I usually walk to get to my stand, so I had to take a different route. I get there, and my uncle's huntin in it already, no big deal, I walked to my other one. A pair of fawns come up, and as there are about to give me a shot, they smell me(really close to the base of my stand, right where I walked in). They leave... about 45 mins later, I hear something and look over to see a fat doe about 30 yards to my left, walkin straight in. She comes in and offers me a good shot. But as I draw, she heard the arrow sliding on the rest. Stepped off the trail she was on, and stood right behind a tree for a minute. SHe turned and was walkin away, quartering, I release and she does a huge turn in the other direction and I just barely grazed her side. Other than a little fur, there was no sign on my arrow, or anywhere on the ground. She walked off just fine.

I will go out again in the morning, hopefully I'll come home with a deer.

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Guest La_Biologist

Re: BuckBusters

If someone can tell me how to post these pictures i would appreciate it. Do you have to have a web page or something. I was able to put the little joker on the pic post but how do you get it in the forum.

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