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Re: BuckBusters

Good name guys. Well work has been crazy, figures it would be this time of the year and the weather absolutely sinks. No luck for me yet but I did get to see a pretty decent buck for our area of NY. I travel to Illinois the first week of November so hopefully I will be able to get a slammer to add to our cause. Anybody else hunting out of their home state???

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Guest deadeye270

Re: BuckBusters

Alright boys I went this weekend and saw about 40 deer. No bucks worth shooting.....but ..... two does wanted to dance and they did not like the string music I was playin'. Got pics and will post them as soon as possible. Will hopefully be upgrading to a good buck in the next few weeks.

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Re: BuckBusters

All in all it was a great week-end. I don't have any points to add but I saw lots of critters. Had shots at does and even a couple small bucks. Passed up because either the bucks were to small or the does were with youngins. Friday night I saw 6 different bucks, 4 in range. Also saw, fisher both Saurday and Sunday, porcupines, squirrels, partridge and plenty of turkeys. Oh and I saw two coyotes out of range. I am pretty excited because the last couple of years it has been pretty quiet in my kneck of the woods. I also head that there is a monster 10 point roaming around.

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Re: BuckBusters

I saw 13 doe/fawn on Friday morning, and then missed a nice 8 point on Sat. morning. After the miss I see a very nice 10point at about 75 yards but he wouldnt come any closer. Scrapes are starting to pop up and a few rubs here and there. Another week and all heck should start breaking loose around here.


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Guest La_Biologist

Re: BuckBusters

Hey guys, I got a doe yesterday evening with my muzzleloader. Sorry I havent posted the pictures from my first deer. will get on that. Our rifle season opens Saturday. Good Luck

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Guest Justwin24

Re: BuckBusters

Harvested this 10 pointer today. Only going to put down 9 though since one point kinda like a kicker on the right beam was not quite 1 inch. I'll be officially submitting it on Sunday. Going back to SC the rest of the week to fill the freezer on up.


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Re: BuckBusters

good job justwin, I heard the other day that theres a big buck running around the prop. I'm hunting.I don't know how much hunting I'm gonna get the next week or two. I'll probably have to miss opening day of gun season.As long as our varsity football team keeps winnin, I have to keep goin back for practice on saturdays.

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Guest rutnroy

Re: BuckBusters

way to go justwin. thats a nice buck. sorry team , but i had a chance at a beautiful 8 point thurs. morning. i miss judged the distanced and he ducked my arrow. i've got most of the next two weeks off so i hope to get another crack at one,hopefully bigger. good luck team!!!!

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Re: BuckBusters

no luck this morning. Tornadoes blew past me about 2 this morning. I didn't fall asleep til after 12, and woke up at 2 because of the storms. I still went out hunting though. The wind was blowing hard from about a 3 o clock angle. I haven't had any deer come from there in a few seasons, but today all 10 deer I saw came from straight downwind from me. Some were spooked, and ran past me. 2 fawns and a do hung around there for a minute or two, but still never offered a shot. I saw 2 little bucks, and a buncha does. All of 'em we out of range though.

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Guest La_Biologist

Re: BuckBusters

Hey guys I've got two more does one with muzzleloader and the other with my rifle. Nothing to upgrade on. I'm going to try to post the pics from my first deer. The rut should kick in within a week for us starting to see a lot of scrapes and hookings.

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Guest Justwin24

Re: BuckBusters

Great job guys!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been looking at some of the other pictures and the way everyone else is measuring points I've got a 1/2 inch to spare so I'm putting mine in as a 10.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest rutnroy

Re: BuckBusters

well team i was able to get a doe this week end. i will still be trying for a buck , but things aren't looking good right now. i will post and enter the doe when i get some extra time . happy thanksgiving team.

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