Team Droptine

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Re: Team Droptine

Just finished our 1st week of gun season. I passed on a 2.5 year 7 point the 1st day. I only got to hunt 4 mornings all week, and didnt see another buck. I did see some does this morning. I also seen 5 bull elk this week, all mature bulls. One had 9x7, a true trophy!

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Guest NorfolkHunter

Re: Team Droptine

Hey team.

Just thought I would check in. I'm sorry to report but I have been having a terrible bow season. I can't remember a year where I saw so few bucks. Especially big ones. Rut seemed to be a flop. Practically no activity at all.

My week shotgun hunt starts on Monday. Hopefully I'll be able to put some points on the board. If not it will come down to late season bow hunting.

Here is a picture of a nice 8 pointer that I got off my trail camera on the 22nd. I'd have a hard time not pulling the trigger on this deer. Even though I'd love to see what he would look like next year.


Good work to all of those that have scored for team droptine. I've been trying to place some points on the board but so far this year has been a bust. Last year I shot two a nice 10 and a young 8. This year nothing. Man is this hunting ever frustrating.

NorfolkHunter (hommie)

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Guest bronco_mudder

Re: Team Droptine


Nice buck Mudder. Big body too, what did he weigh?

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Thanks nubs, he is a nice buck but not the one I wanted. There was only 6 or 7 minutes of legal shooting time left when he came out at the far end of the field, I saw the body size, and the height of his G-2's and thought it was the one. I took a single shot at 404 yards, and drove a 140 grain balistic tip through his heart, but when I walked up to him I realized it wasn't the buck I was after. Oh, well I was happy how the hunt unfolded and with the shot, so I have nothing to complain about. As for the weight, I don't know, we didn't weigh him.

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Re: Team Droptine

Congrats to everyone on their deer. Nobody on our team is likely to win any big buck contests, but we are all gonna eat well this winter! Here is the young whitetail buck I harvested the last day of Montana's rifle season. What a great hunt with my 11 year old son and kudos to him on taking a nice photo.


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