Stealth Buck Bombers

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Re: Stealth Buck Bombers

We have a long season here in Iowa plus I have extended doe season the end of Jan for does witha rifle I'm just waiting for the rut Im not at all concerened about my deer I just want to harvest the biggest most mature deer I can. On the 115 acres we hunt we are practicing QDM so nothing to little gets shot. But we are also hunting over 1000 acres for shotgun season and there are no rules there tongue.gif.

I already passed on a 120-130 8 point and a 130 10point just cause they werent old enough yet. I don't regret it a bit either.

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Guest jereseyhunter101

Re: Stealth Buck Bombers

Hey that is fine i just want to make sure my team is out there hunting when they can.I want to win this contest and im sure you guys do to. So lets get some big boys.

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Re: Stealth Buck Bombers

Only get to hunt on the weekends, so it is almost my time again. I could have shot several different bucks, but they are not what we are looking to kill on our place, so I let them walk. The 9 point is still coming around my stand, so I am hoping to get him this weekend, the weather is starting to get cooler so maybe he will start moving more. I have till Jan 16 to use my tags, so I have more than enough time, good luck to everybody smile.gif

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Re: Stealth Buck Bombers

My 20 out of 21 day stretch is just about over. I have vacation the next two weeks and will be out in the woods plenty. I am looking for meat early on and am hoping to get that done next week. Have been seeing plenty of deer, just waiting for them to come in a little closer. I will be taking my climber out to get a little closer to them and hopefully one down, four to go. Be careful, have fun and good luck. Wade

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Re: Stealth Buck Bombers

I'll be out there this morning, looking for an old doe or a 10 pointer that was around last year. There is a real good 2 year old 8 pt on my trail cam, but I am not too sure if I will take him. We will see, our seasons also run till Jan 15th. Let's stick em!

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Re: Stealth Buck Bombers

Just checking in. Have not seen anyone post in a couple of days since strut bagged his. Nice job.

I have been going faithfully during my vacation and have been seeing deer each time I have gone out, but they are too far for a shot. I used my climber tonight to get closer to where I have been seeing them, and to my luck, they walked right past my other stand where I have been hunting. If I was in that stand, could of had a nice doe. Oh well, there is always the ifs. Anyway, nothing for me yet, hopefully in the next couple of days. Good luck to team Stealth Buck Bombers. Wade

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Re: Stealth Buck Bombers

welp went out this eveing.......set a new spot. set there for about an hour and a half and then see 3 turkeys roost get to watchin them and its gettin dark quick and can hear something,,,,,im looking....cant see nething finaly I see it..... its a doe......then something chased it around and I never got a real good look at it so im thinking it was a buck.....if they woulda been 15 or 20 mins earlyer id flung one of my arrows at it......

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Re: Stealth Buck Bombers

The rut is really slow here in MO. There are scrapes and a few rubs, the does are still bunched up and the bucks are just now starting to chase. I had two really nice slick heads at 70 yds for most of Saturday morning, I would have took either, and I missed a doe from a new stand, approx 40' in the air, on Sat nite. Could not find the stand I was looking for on Sunday morning. This is a new lease and I am very unfamiliar with the stand locations. But, I did jump a 120 buck, and 4 does while out in the woods. I feel that with rifle season only two weeks away, the contributions will increase. I love bow hunting, got to get in the kitchen for em!

Can some explain the theory behind shooting short from the tree stand, consistently. Pythagoreum therum or something like that?

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Re: Stealth Buck Bombers

Went to the hunt yesterday chased around a Nice buck but he wouldn't allow for a shot.

Had a spike standing 25 yards for a few minutes just looking at us, he finally left.

Then a real small Doe Fawn come 10 yards to me, but I just couldn't shoot, it was tiny.

We were getting ready to leave and a Doe crossed the road couple hundred yards ahead, right behind her a Big Bodied Buck followed. Wish I couldv'e gotton a shot.

Then behind our house this morning a Buck was chasing a Doe and her fawns around. Finally seeing bucks.


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Re: Stealth Buck Bombers

atleast were all seeing some deer some bucks at that to.....we just gotta get an arrow stuck in umm....

aight on the pythagrum therum......A squared + B squared = C squared......

so you your 15 ft in a tree.....and the deer is at 20 yds....thats 60 you have 15 sq. + 60 sq. = C sq.

C = 3825 sq. or 61.84 ft or 20.6 yds so with that being said...

if the deer is at 20 yds and your 15ft in a tree it ends up being 20.6 yds.... so just use your 20 yd pin on him.......

weve being doing the whole pythagrum therum here latly in geometry....guess your end up using this dumb stuff somewheres in life never woulda thought it but youll use it some.......

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Re: Stealth Buck Bombers

Still no arrows released from me either, but the day is coming smile.gif. Sunday afternoon I should have got a doe, but I let them all walk. I had 8 of 14 deer walk by me within 20 yards and none of them ever new I was there. Still waiting on Mr 9 to make his mistake and give me the shot. Good luck guys on your next hunts smile.gif

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Re: Stealth Buck Bombers

15 squared=225

20 squared=400

square root of 625=25

So maybe I need to be adding a half a pin to my shots....that would make sense...I have been putting the arrows about 1-2 yards short.

I will be taking my daughter out this weekend on her first ever endeavor in the woods. I don't care if we get one, I just hope it leaves a good taste in her memory!

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Re: Stealth Buck Bombers

Congrats, looking forward to the pics smile.gif

The bucks are starting to chase around here. I seen a great 9 point over the weekend, he was walking the same path a doe had just 10 minutes earlier. She walked within 20 yards of me, but before he got into my shooting lane he stopped, turned around and went back the way he come from tongue.gif

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