Stealth Buck Bombers

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Re: stealth buck bombers

TSBH still has a buck to get when he goes to PA we are actually sitting pretty good atm I have a pretty good fealing about this... but you never know... the way I see it the later in the season the better chance we have .... simply cause of the rut being over.... so when TSBH shoots the 18 point in PA we should be set... ROFL jk TSBH....I still have a doe to shoot but I figure I can get that in shotgun season. As long as everyone has fun with the contest is all that matters to me ... I have had fun watching this and keeping up with it... besides deeing all the great deer.

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Re: stealth buck bombers

Well guys, the nine pointer that I was after was shot by some of our neighbors. I went to another set of neighbors cabin last night and he showed me some pics of a couple of different 10 pointers that are running around. There is another 9 point and a 7 point that I am looking for, but haven't had any luck yet. But before Sunday I am going to try for a doe with my bow, so maybe next week we can add at least 5 more points to the board.

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Re: stealth buck bombers

ditto......agree with Thayer. I really wished I could have got in the contest last year, it seemed like a great time watching everybody interact. I am happy to be in this contest this year and be part of this fine group of hunters and individuals. This contest is not over yet, but if we finish first, great...if we finish second, great. This has just been a great time. Keep up the good work. Wade

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Re: stealth buck bombers


so when TSBH shoots the 18 point in PA we should be set...

[/ QUOTE ]

shocked.gif18 point, man I was thinking at least 22 grin.gif

Well the trip is still on for that week of late season archery in PA. I just wished I could of went down this fall like I do every year but work commimtments wouldn't allow it this year plus people deciding to have babies during archery season didn't help either (Brother and Sister in-law...where I stay when I hunt the farm). There was no way I was staying there with a newborn. I am done with those days, plus I would have felt awkward. The last 3 years I have shot at least 3 a year on that farm (last year 4) plus the deer I would get on base in NC.

Either or, I have helped this team out none. Excuses and stories don't produce points nor meat on the table. But remember I told you all when this began that this is going to be a bad year for me. I did manage to get out this evening but nothing. I plan on getting out tomorrow if the wind isin't that bad. I can handle wind but they are calling for 30-40 mph. This puppy don't do that! Be cool all and Happy Thanksgiving cool.gif

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Re: stealth buck bombers

TSBH I was just razzin yah its all good I know you said it was gonna be tough.... Its all good with me .... hopefully you get a chance at one sooner or later .... if not I certainly wont hold any grudges.... except that your a Bruins fan =) lol anyhow I just want everyone to have a good season regardless of the harvest ... thats what its all about to me..... this trully has been a blast... hope everyone continues to have a great year ....

Good luck to you all.

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Re: stealth buck bombers

I was just looking on Blackjacks site (team 21). They are having a heck of a good year. they are sitting at 94 points. That is quite abit of points. I never added ours up, but we should be sitting quite close to them. This was the first time i really looked at the points, and we are not sitting too bad at all. Keep up the good work, and enjoy the time in the woods.

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Re: stealth buck bombers

Went hunting everyday last week and all I got was a grey fox with my bow. Everyday I had does/yearlings in front of me and I seen a few bucks, but no arrows released on any deer for me yet. Was going to kill a doe, but the bucks are starting to chase so I am going to wait a little longer on the doe. I had a 6 point should be an 8, but he didn't grow any browtines within bow range 3 different times, but never drawed back on him either. My dad said I should stick him so he doesn't pass on his genes, so if I see him again he is going down.

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Re: stealth buck bombers

I am done for the year.I only have my muley to enter.I recovered my whitetail buck to late.All that was left was the skull & bones.I tagged it & cleaned it up & did a European mount of it.The rules clearly state that I cannot enter it.I have no problems with this but wish I could have helped the team out with some more points.Sorry & please no ??? or comments about entering it.I have checked into it & the answer is no with a very good explanation.I am Just happy I recovered him.The story & pics are in the deer hunting forum under "My 05 whitetail story"

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Re: stealth buck bombers

Well folks, it was pretty darn cold down here in Texas this morning for my liking so I dusted off my gun and took it for a little trip. No action this morning, but this afternoon I did connect on a decent 8 point for my area. I will get the pics posted Monday when i get back home.

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