Reatree vs. Mossy Oak

Guest lostiniowa

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Re: Reatree vs. Mossy Oak


I like some of the older Mossy Oak, but I think their new Breakup is way to dark..

My choice is realtree most of the time..

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You said it Todd. There are alot of good companies but Realtree's marketing is what makes me soley buy their stuff. But I love the Hardwoods HD & the HD Green

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Re: Reatree vs. Mossy Oak

"vs." is such a strong statement.....

Howabouts "compared to"

Both are great and effective.

I am a died in the wool MOSSY OAK JUNKIE


When I got registered on these forums, MO did not have forums, so I joined here. Regardless of the pattern on your backs - this is the best collection of human beings on the net - bar none.

by the way - we now have FORUMS over at Mossy Oak - feel free to come by and mention me - you win a free hat!

alright - you don't win crap, but c'mon over and visit.

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Re: Reatree vs. Mossy Oak

I've owned many garments in both and many variations. Both are good patterns, both work well, both are good companies.

Of the two, I like the newer RT patterns better. But it can be tough to find unless you have a Bass Pro near by, which I don't.

My pattern of choice for my hunting is Natural Gear. Even tougher to find than RT. That is what the majority of my go to hunting clothes are now. With the exception of my Primos bow vest. Only option there is Mossy Oak.

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Re: Reatree vs. Mossy Oak

there was some nice, inexpensive camo at walmart _____ GHOST OF THE PLAINS!!!_____ it looked sweet, until you realized that the 6 inch logo_____ GHOST OF THE PLAINS!!!_____with the big bare spot around it was actually part of the pattern and not a bag it was in_____ GHOST OF THE PLAINS!!!_____ they were about 1 foot apart, and about as subtle as they are in this reply_____ GHOST OF THE PLAINS!!!

talk about some worthless camo

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Re: Reatree vs. Mossy Oak

I like the way mossey oak looks in the store, but I think they have to much black in their pattern. I think the lighter colors in realtree hardwoods blends in better in the woods and you don't look as much like a dark spot at a distance like you do with the MO.

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Re: Reatree vs. Mossy Oak

I agree...Realtree needs to get some displays out at WalMart. Mossy Oak is all over WalMart.

Hardcore hunters will hold out to get the camo they want. Most people IMO, buy whats availible and convienient and cheap. And most everyone has a walmart around. WalMart sells ALOT of hunting equip, so it would be wise marketing to put your products at Walmart.

I love my REALTREE grin.gif

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Re: Reatree vs. Mossy Oak


Mossy Oak is way too dark. Realtree should begin selling to Walmart. I hate shopping there but somethings it beats driving an extra 5-10 miles to go to a place that has Realtree.

I do believe Realtree has better camo than Mossy Oak, for sure.

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Must depend where you live. My local Walmart primarily carries Realtree Hardwoods HD lately.

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