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Re: weight

First of all, Welcome to the Realtree forums wink.gif

65lbs with 80% let-off sounds closer to reality, but I could be wrong.

You can take it to your local bow-shop and get the draw weight measured on their scale to see what the poundage is set at.

The poundage setting is the least of your worries, (although important..but can be adjusted) when buying a used or new bow.

Your draw length is the most important thing.

Has it got the proper draw length for you ??

What type of bow is it ? (make and model)

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Guest Sagitarius

Re: weight


Has it got the proper draw length for you ??

What type of bow is it ? (make and model)

[/ QUOTE ]This is the #1 problem with bows that come into our pro shop. Someone got a great deal on a used bow that turns out to be a waste of money because we can't adjust the length to fit them. I hope it fits you and works out.

Also, Welcome to the forums.

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Re: weight

The bow is a pse maruader.It has a 30 inch draw length.The guy I bought it from works at the plant with me.I'm shooting gold tip carbon arrows that are 30" long.does that sound right?My height is 6'4 and the guy I bought it from is the same.he said our reach would be the same.There is a bow shop not to far from me and I'm going to take by there on wed. and get them to check it out.Great forum guy's.

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Re: weight

OK..first thing you need to get them to check at the bow shop is your draw length to make sure it matches the bows draw length. Then get the poundage set at a comfortable pull for yourself. You don't want to be grunting to pull er over everytime. The draw weight should be set at a weight that you will be able to shoot 20 or 30 shots without straining to do it.

The rest is just regular bow check-up stuff, like checking to see if there is any slop in your wheels or cam (if it has a cam), checking your string and cables, etc, that the bow tech will take care of for you. Ask him all the questions you can think of and all the best shooting to you with your new bow. grin.gif

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