If Realtree asked you to come up with a new camo..


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Re: If Realtree asked you to come up with a new camo..

Good question.

I don't really think I'd need them to make a new pattern. I have Hardwoods HD and Timber for hardwoods, MAX-4 HD and/or Hardwoods HD for fields and openings and also Hardwoods Green HD for late spring and very early fall.

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Re: If Realtree asked you to come up with a new ca

I took plain brown burlap and camo 'ed it with spray paint a few years ago . The kids asked what pattern I was making.

I thought a minute and came up with

"Daddyflauge" grin.gif

I still call any wraping I put around my tree stands as Daddyflauge.

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Guest TBryan

Re: If Realtree asked you to come up with a new ca

Id call it Realtree Mesquite Flats. Id have it be a sand colored base with mesquite, live oak and a slight bit of cacti as the objects.

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Re: If Realtree asked you to come up with a new camo..

Ruttinbuc's Twilight by Realtree. Of course its an open branchy/barky pattern for use after the leaves come off the trees. Colored in changing hues to the light you see in those late fall days into winter.

Would like to see something high tech like that. Sort of like the way they make Jeff Gordon's car change color to the changing light. What do you think Bill? You in? Could be big, could be very big!

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