PA opening morning...


Recommended Posts was a perfect cool morning, as daylight came and passed and didn't see anything...I heard movement. A nice doe and two yearlings passed within 15 yards feeding on acorns. Didn't have a shot at the doe, so I let them walk hoping they wouldn't wind me as they circled behind me towards the bedding area.

I got lucky and they kept on moving. That was about 7:30 am and called my buddy on the radio to see how he was making out. As we were bsing...I seen more movement coming my way. I shut the radio off and looked to see two nice bucks. I lost them in the thick brush....but could hear them. They were feeding on acorns working their way towards the bedding area as well. I grabbed the bino's to try and get a better look before they got closer. I couldn't find them in the bino' I was putting them buck was walking straight towards me on the same trail I walked in on.

I knew the other buck was bigger but this one came in and was smelling a branch at about 20 yards. He was broadside (slightly quartering towards me). I drew the bow and shot...he turned and ran down the hill....I heard silence then the crash. He piled up about 50 yards from me. I waitied for Pete to get there (about 20 mins.) and started following the blood trail.

Those Rocky Mt. snypers did an awesome job again. First buck I taken on the opening day and first buck taken off our land since my wife and I bought it. Decided to get it mounted for that reason. He's a decent 2 1/2 year old 9 pointer. Mainframe 8 with a split browe tine.

I should have pictures posted tom. night or Tues. wink.gif

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Re: PA opening morning...

Way to go Gregg (with 2 G's grin.gif) Sounds like you had a great hunt. Looks like it's Pete's turn now.

Got a question about the radios. Do you guys leave them off all the time, and just have different times arranged to turn them on and check in on each other ???

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Re: PA opening morning...

Thanks everyone....I'll get the pics. up asap.

Steve, no, we leave our radio's on most of the time. They are set up to vibrate...if I just key the radio gives off no sound and Pete's radio will vibrate in his pocket. If he has deer nearby....he won't answer me and viseversa.

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