My first Archery Pheasant


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The highlight of my evening, was just after seeing the first 3 deer come out in front of me. After they walked off, I was starting to slouch, so I straightened up, while looking down the fence-line through the little shoot-through window. Low and behold, up pops this ****-pheasant head, about 2 feet outside my blind...LOL

Opening day of pheasant, bow-hunting and I have one almost sitting on my lap...LOL

OK, I figured, I might as well try, right. I carefully pulled my broadhead tipped arrow from the biscuit, and reached for my judo-tipped arrow (which I always carry, just in case). I got that nocked and ready, but no matter how tall I sat up in my stool, there was no way, I could shoot this thing, straight down out of the blind, without the arrow going through the tent, instead of the window..LOL.

I had to stand, or semi-stand, there was no getting around it.

I carefully got off my chair, while the pheasant was, I hoped, still crouched, 6 ft from me, outside my blind. I carefully drew my bow and then semi-stood so I could look straight down on the bird, and sure enough, it was still crouched there..hiding...LMBO grin.gif

I almost ripped the bottom of the window out of the shoot-through netting, and the pheasant took off flying with half the arrow sticking out one side and the other half sticking out the other. It actually flew about 80 yrds, before going down. It just set it's wings and went down naturally. It didn't drop out of the sky, and I was surprised to see it fly at all, never-mind so far. grin.gif

Needless to say, I didn't go and get it last night, since the deer were coming out, so I left the doghouse set up, and went back for a deer hunt this morning and to retrieve my bird.


There was a young doe, about 20 yrds in front of the blind, as I sneaked into my blind, under the cover of darkness. Instead of using the zipper, I just lifted the blind, and crawled under it. The doe, never moved, but was looking the whole time. I got out my fresh earth scent as soon as I was in there and gave a few sprays. She actually started eating again, but it was way too dark still to see through my peep, even though it was now legal shooting time.

She stayed there for about 5 more minutes, before slipping through the fence-line at 20 yrds.

Another 10-15 minutes went by and as it was getting light enough to shoot, a really nice doe and two good size fawns came running across the field toward me. The doe had her eyes on the blind the whole time as she closed at 20 yrds. I should have turned the blind just a bit, before-hand, and I may have got her. As it was, I didn't draw, and she scooted through the fence at 20yrds, with her two young ones in tow. After they left in behind me, I turned the blind a bit, for the next deer to show up....but nothing else showed...LOL.

I did find my pheasant , once it got light. grin.gif Had a hard time at first, because I thought it went down a bit further out in the tall grass than it did. It must have been dead when it hit the ground.

My very first Bow-Pheasant I didn't have my 2 yrd pin set ...LOL grin.gifgrin.gif


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Re: My first Archery Pheasant

Nice shot....

I stuck one about 20 years ago on state land while out deer hunting. Caught a ration of crap from the C.O. at the check station because I wasn't signed in for small game. The bird was a legal kill but in those days you had to sign in for a specific type of hunting.


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