Keller Pendulum Sight

Guest J_Owens_66

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Guest J_Owens_66

Anyone use a Keller Pendulum sight? How do you shoot from 0-45 yards with one pin? Does it compensate for that? I have really been looking at getting one, i've heard they are the best pendulum sight made. What is everyones view and experiance with this? Thanks

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Re: Keller Pendulum Sight

I have one and have killed a deer with it, but don't use it any more. For me, it was only accurate from 0 to about 35 yards, not 45. It makes a slight noise during the shot which is why I quit using it. I bought it used so new units may be quiet. I think it's a great product if you only hunt from treestands.

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Re: Keller Pendulum Sight

They work very well, but shooting out to forty five yards with it may be a problem. The degree of angle will only keep you accurate out to 30-35 yards depending on your bow! The pin only swings so far.

Shooting uphill or downhill will also have an effect on accuracy. The sight is one in which you need to set up properly and practice from your set ups to find its limitations.

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Guest bigbuckmiddaugh

Re: Keller Pendulum Sight

I use to use the keller pendulum. Tooo much vibration noise and no fiber for your pin, only paint.

There isn't a pendulum that will shoot that far out and hit same spot, it may hit low depending apon bow speed. But 0-30/35 is most common.

I shoot the Predator IV and totally quit, even if your bow has a ton of hand shock. Lots of adjustment for bow speed, etc...

see here:

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