MORE Rookie questions!


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I sneak out to my deer/turkey stand before daylight, get situated and just as its starting to get light, I hear a turkey crash out of a tree about 50 yards behind me. Talk about noisey! I almost jumped outta my skin! Next thing I hear are a few soft yelps as he/she is making its way toward the field. I can't see it, too many trees but I can hear it moving along.

Soon its sundown and as the light fades, this turkey returns. Seems to be alone. I hear only one. Once again, theres enough tree noise to make one jump.

This has happened 3 Saturdays in a row now. Is this a tom? If so, how do I get him? I'm assuming hes roosting on the top of this small hill behind my stand. I didn't have a call with me last Saturday...I just bought one today and will have to learn how to use it effectively.

Any suggestions?

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Re: MORE Rookie questions!

It could be either. wink.gif

Go during the middle of the day and see if you can find the tree the bird roosts at, You will know by what is below the tree. Droppings and feathers could be below and will let you know where it is.

Set up close to where it lands and see if you can call it in.

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Re: MORE Rookie questions!


You will know by what is below the tree. Droppings and feathers could be below and will let you know where it is.

[/ QUOTE ]

And they will also let you know what it is. Gobbler droppings will have a definite straight section to them where hen droppings are all bunched like a piece of popcorn. wink.gif

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