Team: LUCKY 13!

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Re: Team: LUCKY 13!

As much as I hate to see my bow season go "on hold", I am ready for gun season here in Indiana.....

I won't be able to shoot a buck with shotgun as I won't be gun hunting on Crane, but I have a few doe's that have been hangin' out just outside of bow range......

After gun season, some late bow huntin' back at Crane for a big buck....

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Re: Team: LUCKY 13!

Where is everybody????

I am heading out tomorrow morning to bowhunt Crane for the last day before shotgun season comes in. Hoping to find a lovestruck buck who is within bow range.

Seems that a lot of our team hasn't checked in for a while. Hopefully that means that they are hunting hard every chance they get......

Good luck guys,

Wish me luck tomorrow.....

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Guest gfourhunter

Re: Team: LUCKY 13!

i leave out tomorrow to the deer camp. i will be gone all weekend. my son passed his hunter ed and will be using a gun for the first seasion. he is pumped to spend the weekend with the big boys.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest gfourhunter

Re: Team: LUCKY 13!

im not done yet buck. i have been on the tail of a nice 12 point. hes not dumb. ill stick a arrow in him yet. i got 55 yards from him in gun seasion to thick for a good clean shot. im just sitting back and enjoying the hunt. he will get stupid one day. ( i hope )

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest gfourhunter

Re: Team: LUCKY 13!

i think everybody is done 00 buck. i dont know. im headed to atterbury over plant shutdown next week. i dont think a huge buck will help us out but it will look good on my wall.

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Re: Team: LUCKY 13!

Understood, what kind of camera are you using????

I make my wife take the pics, it just works out better......

Good luck by the way..... I just need to kill something....... I had been holding out for a larger buck, since I shot that little one, but now, I ain't holding out any more.... I want another deer....

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Re: Team: LUCKY 13!


i think Indiana deer seasion sucked really bad. i took 7 deer. none were a big buck. i only shot 2 deer outside of specisl hunts.

[/ QUOTE ]

good grief, 7 deer. I shot one and you're upset with 7?????

Sounds to me like ya had a good year....

I am hoping for a shot at one more deer....

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