220's First Bobcat

Guest ronin

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OK guys...here is our first bobcat with my buddy's newly built 220 Swift.

We set up on a new property that we had saved for just this occasion. The location was a small oak studded knoll overlooking a broad meadow with tall grass. I started screaming and after about 5 minutes James snapped his fingers indicating a spotting and shortly thereafter, he touched one off.

The shot was lased at 124 yards and the POI was in the left eye.

The cat is gorgeous and we are prepping his hide as I write this. 219484.jpg

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Re: 220\'s First Bobcat

Thanks to all...I'm pickling the fur right now and will start tanning in about 72 hours.

We went out calling in the rain tonight and whacked a full grown male yote at 224 yards. The 'lil bugger was taking his sweet time coming in to the call. Dollars to donuts says he's heard me screaming in the past. I changed things up a little bit tonight by upping the tempo and adding a real frantic note at the end of each cycle. I think that was the icing on the cake for this guy. The 220 dropped him and he didn't even move a muscle after being hit.

I'll tell you what...I've shot just about everything out there over the years and I honestly felt that very little would surprise me. This 220 swift does! It is an amazing round that sizzles. It's an oldy but a goody. Three thumbs up!

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