Anyone Know?


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Re: Anyone Know?


Why the heck did we play in Mexico????????? What purpose did that serve??? Was it televised? crazy.gifconfused.gif

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Yes is was the Sunday night Cardinals vs. 49ers. The NFL is trying to get a more international appeal, and with a packed stadium of 103,000 people, I think it worked.

I think we are going to see more of this in the future.

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Guest lostiniowa

Re: Anyone Know?

yeah they are talking about games in london and possibly china! thats crazy the only football I want to here about over there is with a soccerball

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Re: Anyone Know?


See, and all this time I figured we were just sending the 2 worst teams in the league to another country to play so they won't contaminate the rest of the league..........too late, the Clowns and Ratbirds are just as bad, LMAO.

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Yo Josh. I'll take care of the "Clowns" jokes. It's better if it comes from a lifelong Clowns fan.

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