Do you hunt on windy days?


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I hunt windy days. I don't usually see much when the weather is like that, but the season is too short to stay home because of the weather. (Had to spend last Saturday under some hemlock trees trying to keep my scope dry and unfogged because of rain!) I only saw the rear end of one deer, but it was probably a doe and I only have a buck tag, so I didn't really miss anything good.

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Re: Do you hunt on windy days?

Oh yes! Windy days are some of the best days to hunt here in Sask.The wind covers your sent & alot of the noise on spot & stalks.You can sometimes sneak right up to them.But deer dont like the wind for this reason & if your sitting in a stand you wont see much movement & when they do come out they're on the run out into the middle of the field.

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Re: Do you hunt on windy days?

Windy days are excellent days to still hunt into the wind. You will be surprised how close you can get to deer bedded down on hillsides. Take 2-3 easy steps, stop and look.

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Re: Do you hunt on windy days?

Hunt whenever I can. I have seen some pretty good deer on windy days. A couple years ago during the rifle season had a really nice buck out at the edge of the woods about 125 yards out following a doe on a very windy afternoon. Decided to pass up the questionable neck shot he offered me hoping for a broadside shot to be presented. Never did. He seemed to be pretty skittish even though he was following a doe.

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Re: Do you hunt on windy days?

Just this weekend the wind was ROARING. It was in the fourties mph for a long time. I went out, and seen three deer, one eight, and two does. They went right behind me, I couldnt get a shot. Actually, because my dad and I all have spots in a big swamp, it seems windy days (light or hard) i see MORE deer. Its odd, but true. laugh.gif

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Re: Do you hunt on windy days?


Absolutely. I love to still hunt on windy days. I also stand hunt as you get away with a lot of movement that would normally been spotted by a deer.

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Tell me about it, when a buck came up to me, he snorted (probably smelled me), i didnt know he was there, so when he snorted, i jumped. He was looking right at me. It was really windy, so my jump was disguised. He walked right underneath me, and didnt even see me. (If that makes sense)

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Re: Do you hunt on windy days?

Here is part of a post I did in the thread:"Question on Smoking" in the was windy enough(gusting25-35mph) to keep me out of the stand...wasnt going to waste the day of hunting because of that.....

I will also tell you that today I went hunting and walked for miles...I walked to within 35 feet of a bedded doe just to see how close I could get. I chose not to shoot at her when she realized I was there and ran directly away from me. It was something that would have never happened before I quit smoking. Just this last year I had a treestand within 200 yards of the place where I parked my truck...and in the snow it was everything I could do just to get there....Oh yeah...did I tell you that TODAY I WALKED FOR MILES...yeah I thought I did already. It just sounds fantastic to me...I think I'll do some more..felt really good(oh and I found a couple new places for treestands that I never knew existed too).

See Where This Is Headed Yet....LOL

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